looong time no update.

Oct 26, 2004 21:24

wow i definitely haven't updated this thing in like forever. i kinda forgot about it hehe =\ A LOT has happened. i don't have enough room to put it in here. plus who cares..?

well it's been exactly one year...

since the largest fires in san diego's history.

last year at this time, we had a week off school. it was a week, for me, that was unbelievably fun cause we had no school duh. but for those who were more closely affected by the fires, it was devastating. it was definitely an unforgettable week for everyone in san diego who experienced the cedar fires.

so anyways. this past weekend was fun.

friday we had a football game against TP and we lost. by a lot. haha but i worked at the concessions. and i was forced to give people free food =) ok only the COOL kids. um like 4 people that i knew N 4738739545 people that ANDREW decided to make me give stuff to. haha but it's ok because i love them all. so after the game me kayla gracey N alycia got frosties at wendy's and then went home. and slept.

saturday did nothing pretty much all day except watch my niece N nephew N go to my sister's lacrosse game. then at night was when the real fun began. i went to the movies with kayla mike austin jesse shannon nika and some guy i don't know the name of =\ we saw ladder 49 or "49 ladders" haha. we got there late and ended up LAYING in front of the front row lol. but the movie was good. so after the movie, me and kayla met up with taylor and troy N we went to the bridge then some random pumpkin patch that smelled SO bad omg. then troy led us to some pit and we had a little problem there. but we don't need to talk about it here haha. ANYWAYS after we finally got outta there, i dropped taylor N troy off then me N kayla came home.

sunday was actully really fun. went go-kart racing with kayla and my second dad =) it was awesome. then i had a confirmation class from 1-4 some place in poway. and, of course, work from 4-8. so it was a busy day but definitely worth it.

so this week is halfway over. no school on friday and late day tomorrow =)

we had a game today at TP and we got killed. haha but we expected it so it's ok. we have a game tomorrow at LCC. it was rescheduled for tomorrow because last week it was rained out. but i have a feeling it'll be rained out again tomorrow because a big storm is supposed to come in. oh man i will be so happy if that happens. i absolutely LOVE the rain. then thursday i guess there's a party. it's a costume party and unfortunately i have no costume. so i will find something. this weekend is going to be awesome, i can already tell.

well it's late and i need to get some much needed sleep.

goodnight <3

RIP *RS* LIVESTRONG ...always in our hearts, & never forgotten... 
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