rather unappetizing...

May 12, 2007 03:14

Does anyone else think it's odd that there's a goldfish cracker flavor called "Explosive Pizza"? I was in the grocery store yesterday and I was passing by the goldfish crackers. I saw the usual flavors..."Cheddar," "Pizza," etc., and then I came across a box that said "Explosive Pizza." What, did they think the original flavor wasn't "explosive" enough? I can imagine them having a meeting, trying to decide what the new flavor is going to be. I think it would sound like this:

Executive guy #1: "We need a new flavor just like the old pizza one, except more...radical. Pizza to the EXTREME."
Executive guy #2: "Atomic pizza?"
Executive guy #3: "Nuclear pizza?"
Executive guy #4: "How about 'Explosive Pizza'?"
Executive guy #1: "That sounds good...Explosive Pizza. Pizza that will kick your ass!"

I imagine it would kick your ass in more ways than one. I'm sorry, but you should never use the adjective "explosive" to describe a food product unless you want people imagining diarrea. End of story.
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