Sep 01, 2008 14:37

Name: Sarah
Age: 16, but thisclose to turning 17
Location: Boston
Gender: Female, darling.
Likes: Ben & Jerry's ONE Brownie Cheesecake ice cream, shopping for makeup, Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, every anime ever, drooling over figures @ KidNemo, photography, naming inanimate stuff (my computer is Angelica), languages, sleeping.
Dislikes: My shitty, shitty cellphone, cleaning my room, writing essays and papers, school nights, seeing a shirt you really like but they only have XS and M, and you're an S, waiting, when my iPod runs out of batteries.
Strengths: Funny, good listener, problem solver, fun to be around, opinionated, outgoing.
Weaknesses: Lazy, gossip, bitchy, not good with budgeting, messy.

Pick one (or both) of the choices given to you

Head in the Clouds or Down to Earth? Head in the clouds.
Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors with my friends, indoors by myself.
Mature or Immature? Immature with outbursts of maturity.
Leader or Follower? Leader.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic.
Impulsive or Cautious? Impulsive!

Answer these questions honestly

It's Friday night and there's a party down the street! You can go, no one's gonna stop you. Would you go to the party or stay at home? Why? I'll get really excited for the party and get all dolled up. Then I'll head down there and hang out for an hour and a half getting awkwardly hit on. When none of my friends show up, I go home and watch Anchorman.

What is your motto for life? "Do what you like and like what you do."

OH WOW! There's a rare limited edition figurine from your favorite anime/video game in the toy store right now and there's only one left! You have just enough money to buy it. What do you do and why? BUY IT

It just HAS to be asked. If you could hang out with any character for one whole day, who would it be and what would you do? Konata. Anime shopping~

Last one. Which end of a Chocolate Cornet do you think is the head? The thin end or the fat end? The thin end.

Post a picture of yourself if you would like to(OPTIONAL)

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