Jan 17, 2007 16:26
i was screaming my head off yday morning when i watched it on Star World!!
Nino supposed to be there..ackk.. what a wonderful events and he cannot be there, i wonder if Mr Clint will mention his name if he's there..ahh pity! but yeah Omedetou!
and Ninomiya kun, u must come to Oscar :D Omedetou!!
American Idol tonight *yay* anyone watching too?
and finally 8tv will start showing Silence tonight at 7pm tonite! finally.. i think i'm the only one who like Vic who didnt watched the drama lol
i dunno why in here its expensive to buy chinnese or korean drama but for japannese drama is quite cheap..hmm its sud be OKAY for me though but sometimes i want to watched any C or K drama specially if is recommended.
i dont think i can online 2morrow,so i want to say
HAPPY advance BIRTHDAY TAIYOU <33 Happy 16th :)
you're such a cute litle boy to me even though ure grown up so much now
i always like the way you talk, the way you smile and specially the way you look when you're confuse..lol i hope that old man gave you space to SHINE!
ganbatte in everything my dear <33
mommy loves you *chu chu chuuuuu*
i havent watched HYD 2 *argh* when Maxis come to install the internet to my house *pulls hair* i have ALOT to catch up..HYD, Mago,SC, YYY show,etc etc etc
golden globe,