Mar 16, 2005 16:58

Cadbury Freddo's kick so much ass, they cost ten pence... you can find that sort of cash on the floor. Why pay forty pence for some shitty bar, when you could be eating four delicious Freddo's? You must be a proper loser to not buy Freddo's, but instead put your hand over the box of Freddo's to reach and grab a shitty Mar's bar or something equally as terrible.

Check it out, Freddo's have character... heck, Freddo is even GIVING YOU THE FINGER on this bar... he has no limits to his awesomeness, and doesn't give a shit if people are offended by it. And who doesn't like cartoon frogs? Nobody, and if you disagree your either disagreeing because you think it's cool to disagree, or your just an idiot.

The Pillows - Good Morning Good News, is perhaps one of the coolest songs i've ever heard... the sort of song you listen to and can't ever imagine anybody dislking it for any reason :]
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