It's really 11:37pm, but I'm not going to make it to midnight, so...

Jul 02, 2008 00:00

July 2nd! Happy Birthday to you... Rye Blume! :-)

I was just watching the office tonight (the one where Pam is taking notes on Michael's activities throughout the day for Jan -- Pretzel Day!) and the end reminded me of you. Aww shucks, right? Ok, well, anyway, back to the topic at hand... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have an amazing year as you become a little wiser and perhaps also a little kookier, because really, once you hit the age you're now at, there's definitely no hope of rewriting history, so you might as well go forward and be a your own special brand of loon, don't ya think?

love ya,
Greg (because my online name sucks balls, quite frankly)
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