Weird Dream #232323

May 01, 2008 09:08

So I have a tendency to have weird, crazy, bizarre dreams (yes, I know those are all synonyms; forgive me). Well, who doesn't? It's amazing how our brains can conjure up the most amazing series of images and sounds in our subconscious and entertain us (or scare us, in the case of a nightmare) so thoroughly while we're asleep. The problem with most people, I tend to forget my dreams because they get lost in the depths of my subconscious or I remember them when I'm initially awake and then forget to write anything down.

Well, now I'm going to remedy that. Here's a description of my latest weird dream, as best as I can remember it and a random fragment of another one for kicks.

So for some reason, my friends and I in this dream decided to take a road trip to Chicago. I don't remember exactly who was on it, but I strongly feel the Tweens were involved (it's an awesome road trip, so of course, they're going to come along) and for some reason, this girl Diana, who was a student from Minnesota in one of the other American groups studying in Alicante last semester, was also around. We just drove for hours and hours and then ended up at this weird diner that had kiosks with Internet access. For some reason, we thought we were in the southern tip of Illinois, so we figured it'd be a good time to stop and book a hotel. We started looking around the suburbs of Chicago because we figured it'd be too expensive to stay in the city itself and that mass transit was so good, we could easily get anywhere into the city from one of the outlying suburbs within an hour. We found a place that had hotel rooms for $30 a night (per person?!?!) in some weird town called Fleebotten or something like that. Suddenly, just as we thought everything was going well, some guy with a thick Southern accent told us we weren't in Illinois at all, but were actually in Oklahoma and hadn't driven nearly as far as we thought we did. So we gave up the idea of going to Chicago and I suggested going to Austin, Texas since it was close and also on the way back to Arizona. We started arguing over this and that's where the dream ended.

There was also a part of a dream where I remember we had to do some sort of multimedia project (i.e. like my final for my online media class) and the only part that stands out is one of my group members took "You Must Love Me," a song from the film version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Evita (which I saw on cable last night with my roommate Laurie) and recorded a voice track over it so it sounded like they were doing a duet. And for some weird reason, I commented how much the woman singing with him sounded so much like Madonna and then the other guy said it was Madonna. Then the dream ended.

Ok, enough weirdness for now. In other life news, for those of you who weren't already aware...I AM GOING TO LIVE AND WORK IN SPAIN FOR NINE MONTHS STARTING IN OCTOBER TEACHING ENGLISH! Oh god, I can't believe my dream has come true. It's amazing. Just amazing.
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