Europe is EVIL!

Jan 16, 2005 18:32

So far it seems to swallow up everyone who goes there. Kinda like the Bermuda triangle lol Illy's man went over there and he hasn't been heard from for like 4 months! ATL went there, and their asses are MIA also... R is next! He went on Friday & I just know he gonna disappear lol What the hell is it? Either Europe is the BOMB & no one wants to come back, or there's some sort of conspiracy.

It's now OFFICIAL! Lama is in CA... finally someone has taken the plunge and has gone out there for good. I get more jealous with every text she sends lol I've been trying every possible way to stay on the east, but I think I'm next & will be heading out west soon. I already have help with jobs & places to live out there... so why not just go? When I go next month, that'll help me make up my mind for good.
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