Apr 28, 2012 08:20
you can't tell me something like... "dont think too much into this."
lol, because I'm gunna.
and I show all of the signs of pleasant feelings when I continue to think into it! :)
...like the young female I am, duh.
anyway, my baby is off to Wisconsin and Illinois for the next 5 days. he will eat awesome foods and see his niece and nephew again and attend a baseball game which he is all too excited about...
I'm more than glad that he gets this mini-vacation/spring break time.
damn, the boy works so hard. you can easily tell. he deserves the relaxation time with his family.
i will spend my days working and preparing to swim against furious waves!! I WILL pass and become a certified lifeguard. I'm glad to be getting in shape in lieu of everything also!
via ljapp