Here she is <3
Meet Adalyn Aubrey Mata!
Aunti Alicia and Adalyn
Shes amazing <3
God I cant get enough of her.
Amber did good, wow.
This little girl put a smile on my face even though I didnt want it there...
So, do u think everytime a person passes another one is born?
Last week my grandpa was told he had cancer in his stomach.
When I recived the call they had givin him 3 months to live if he didnt get medical attention.
Even though the tears rolled down my face I stayed strong,
he doesnt want the help - I knew this.
He wants to meet the love of his life again in heaven.
My mother told me he asked for me last week....
Friday I planned to go see him and Adalyn (who was born thursday).
But things happend and it didnt work out that holly and I could go that morning...
So we postponed the trip home to sunday.
I cant explain my feelings, I was going to say good bye to my grandpa and wish him happiness where he wanted to find it, and meet a new love in my life Adalyn....
But as Holly and I reached the off ramp to Muskegon I got a message from my mom:
"Alicia, when you get this I need you to call me."
But I didnt need to call her.
I knew.
I missed the chance to say goodbye.
He passed away befor I even got home.
I tried blaming myself....
I dont know what to say.
It hurts that he asked for me,
And in return I didnt come.
All summer I should have been by his side while he was alone with out her.
But instead I did what I wanted to do....
and I lost time that I will never be able to regain.
The only thing that keeps me from crying is I keep saying:
I watched one life come to an end, and in return I get to watch another begin.
RIP "Carpa" <3