Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl Chapter 6

Jan 26, 2009 19:51

Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: After the fiasco with Riley and another disastrous date, Julie decides that she has something she wants to lose. And Tim Riggins seems to be just the person to help with that. Tulie!
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made - played with for fun only.

Chapter 6

On the nights that the Dillon Panthers won, it didn’t take long for the party to find it’s stride.

Even before the players arrived the beer was flowing and the music was pounding, teenagers grinding away on the dance floor.

Julie stood off to the side with Tyra, watching the chaos about her with a detached air.

She’d already had one drink, one for courage, but she didn’t want another. She wanted to remember this night, didn’t want to miss any part of it. That was why she’d chosen Tim after all.

Even now she could scarcely believe that he’d agreed, after the look on his face when she’d propositioned him she’d been certain that he’d turn her on her way.

And the thought of Tim Riggins not being interested in sleeping her when he was known for his sexual escapades was more than humiliating, more than embarrassing. The thought was so awful she couldn’t even think how to describe it.

Landry was one of the first to arrive, making his way straight over to them, his attention focused solely on Tyra. He greeted her friend with a long kiss and Julie averted her eyes so as not to intrude on the private moment.

As odd a pairing as it was, it worked for the pair of them and the school had begun to get used to the idea.

Landry was good for the blonde, he only ever paid attention to her, didn’t play games, and looked past her pretty face which so many other people got hung up on.

Matt stood over by the drinks table, surrounded by rally girls and cheerleaders even as he looked over at her a mournful look in his eyes.

Julie averted her eyes, praying that he wouldn’t come over and try to start talking.

Before she’d have given anything for that after the mistakes she’d made with the Swede, but not any longer. He’d hooked up with two other girls, that she knew of, it was probably more than that now, and his actions had spurred her on in getting over her attachment to the star quarterback of the Dillon Panthers.

They weren’t the same people who’d met at the beginning of their relationship.

If she was the same girl there was no way that she’d have even contemplated losing her virginity with Tim Riggins.

But she wasn’t and that was precisely what she’d planned to do.

Her breath caught as she saw Tim walk through the door, her stomach tightening in nervous excitement.

As per his tradition he headed straight for the refreshments table and grabbed a beer, greeting Matt but not bothering to acknowledge any of the girls congregating around him.

She watched anxiously as a busty brunette pressed herself against him wrapping her arms about his waist. A twinge of jealousy shot through her, but Julie quickly stamped it out. She knew that kind of guy Tim Riggins was, she’d prepared herself for such scenes and displays.

As quickly as the rally girl had wrapped her arms about him though he was unwrapping them from his body, flinging them to the side with, dare she say it, distain, as his eyes continued to search through the crowd.

Matt said something distracting his attention, but Tim shook his head in response, his eyes returning to their search.

Landry and Tyra separated and she turned to greet the football player.

“Hey Landry,” she said smiling.

He returned her smile with a grin, as he hooked his arm about Tyra’s waist and tucked her against him. “Hey Julie.”

The hairs on the back of her neck rose as she felt a pair of eyes boring into her back and the butterflies fluttering in her stomach intensified. Without turning she knew that Tim had spotted her.

“You played well tonight,” she commented.

The self-confessed geek smiled as Tyra remarked saucily that he played well every Friday night.

The comment from her friend gave her an out, and Julie took it, rolling her eyes, “Well I can see where this evening is going,” she teased. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

Sneaking a glance over her shoulder at Tim, Julie moved away from Tyra and Landry towards the back of the house, smiling and greeting a few people as she moved by the crowd but not stopping to pause and actually talk with someone.

She’d just made it outside the back door when Tim appeared beside her, tugging her deeper into the shadows and out of sight of the rest of the party.

“You sure?” He checked one last time before they left.

Julie nodded. “Yes.”

He drew in a breath and straightened himself out, mentally as well as physically. “Right,” he said resolutely. “Lets go.”


He’s not too sure how they went from a stunted greeting and stilted conversation to mucking around with the football, laughing, shouting and screaming.

Well he does know really, he could feel the nerves and tension rolling off of her in the truck, and he didn’t want that. Didn’t want her worrying over the decision that she’d made. So he ended up grabbing a case of beer out of the back of his truck along with a football and driving them to the deserted stadium.

They’ve got all night, as far as her parents are concerned she’d be staying at Tyra’s. The situation doesn’t escape him, using his ex as cover so that he can sneak off with Julie.

But either way he’s glad, Julie hadrelaxed and their plans for later that evening have been pushed to the back of her mind and she was fine with him touching her now. She isn’t tensing or jumping if he accidentally brushes against her, as if she's just waiting for him to pounce on her and screw her right there.

Besides, it’s fun and she’s not bad, Coach Taylor’s daughter.

She’s fast, and quite small which means she’d been able to nip past him a few times or twisted out of his grip when he was careful not to hold her too tightly in case he hurt her.

He consoles himself with the knowledge that he’s been drinking so his reactions are going to be a bit slower than usual.

Julie's got several disadvantage by playing against him too though. He’s bigger than she is, and he’s got the experience and theory behind his actions.

She’s tried jumping on him to stop him getting past but he simply carried her along with the ball. She’s tried wrapping her arms about his waist to try and stop him going through her, but that didn’t work either.

Now she merely grabs the ball and hangs on it get for all she’s worth, prying his fingers off one by one. As soon as she’s got a good grip on it she curls her entire body about it to prevent him from getting back too easily.

He’s taken to picking the pair of them up and physically carrying them over to the touchdown line (marked by an empty beer can) Julie shrieking at him in protest all the while.

As soon as he lets her go she scampers away evading his hands as he tries to catch her again, declaring that the points he’d just scored didn’t count and that he was cheating.

They’ve both had a few beers, spirits running high and unconfined as they have fun and cut lose knowing that no one is watching and waiting for them to slip up.

As Julie’s streaking past him with the ball once again, Tim decides that he’s played nice long enough and tackles her. She yelps and drops the ball in surprise, her body still in his arms except for the rapid pounding of her heart.

He is careful with his weight, keeping the majority of it off her body.

“You’re cheating!” She laughed up at him and pushed at his arm.

Being caught unprepared the limb gave way and Julie scrabbles for the ball lying a few feet from them.

He pulled her back and tries to reach it himself when she jumped on top of him this time trying to prevent him.

It turned into something like a wrestling match, both rolling round on the field fighting for the football, each giving as good as they got, but not enough to hurt the other. Although Julie took a few more liberties than Tim did.

She balled her fist and punched at his side in an attempt to scramble over him, the ball tucked safely beneath her arm.

She turned with her body braced, expecting Tim to slam into her a moment later but he was still laying on the ground, his hand pressed to his side where she’d hit him.

“Tim?” She asked her voice still bubbling with laughter. “Come on, get up. I didn’t hit you that hard. I’m not going to fall for it.” She announced cheerfully, certain that he was pulling a fast one.

He didn’t say anything, and his eyes remained closed as he took a couple of sharp breaths.

“Tim?” She asked hesitatingly, wondering if she’d injured him in the same place that he’d been hit earlier that evening. “Are you alright?”

“I…” He gasped, eyes fluttering open and then shut again.

“Tim, tell me what’s the matter.” Julie said dropping down on her knees beside him the football forgotten as she bent over him and brushed some hair off his forehead. “Where is it hurting?”

A split second later and she was lying flat on her back, the panther fullback leaning over her his body shaking with laughter.

“You pig!” She shouted hitting his shoulder in anger. “I thought I’d really hurt you!”

Angry that she’d been tricked and he was still laughing at her she tried to scoot out from underneath him, muttering a variety of names for him under her breath.

“Ah don’t be mad Jules,” he told her as he rolled them over so this time she is sprawled out half on top of him.

Conscious of the position, Julie moved off him a little so that she too is lying on the ground, although her head is still pillowed on his shoulder, his arm about her waist.

They lay there for a moment in silence, breathing in the warm night air and staring at the sky.

“You want to get something to eat?” Tim asked suddenly.

Nodding Julie got to her feet and brushed off any stray pieces of grass.

They strolled over to his truck in silence and she swung in without being prompted when Tim had unlocked the door.

She doesn’t ask where they’re going, to be honest she isn’t that bothered and there aren’t too many choices.

She flipped the radio on so that it played quietly in the truck, Sammy Mead recapping the highlights of the Panthers win.

Before long they swung into the parking lot of Applebee’s.

Jumping out the truck as Tim killed the engine, Julie waited at the front of it’s hood for Tim to join her.

Applebee’s was quiet, almost empty. But it wasn’t surprising, the teenagers that usually hung out at the diner during the week were all off partying, celebrating the towns win.

As they entered the diner, all eyes fixed on them and Julie blushed at the scrutiny.

Sensing her hesitation Tim’s hand cupped the nape of her neck, but that only increased her embarrassment knowing that everyone would see the action. Bad enough that they would be wondering what they were doing here in the first place.

Stepping forward Julie headed across to the booth in the corner that would offer some privacy from the prying eyes, at any rate, at least they’d be able to watch the rest of the diners patrons.

Sinking into the vinyl cover seat Julie offered Tim a small smile.

He smirked, sliding into the seat opposite her, taking hold of a menu as he did so.

He offered it to her, but Julie shook her head. She already knew what she was having. Evidently Tim did as well because he put it back when she refused it.

Not knowing what to say and aware of the eyes watching them Julie breathed a sigh of relief when the waitress approached them. She was an older woman, and unsurprisingly she spent several minutes going over the game with Tim, offering a few pointers of where he would do better next time.

They both order burgers, Julie a strawberry milkshake and Tim a soda.

After the waitress left with barely a look in her direction Julie stood and excused herself.

In the bathroom she studied her face and scowled at herself in the mirror as she saw the smudge of dirt on her cheek. Her hands were similarly muddy from playing football as well and she quickly washed them and pulled out a few stands of grass from her hair.

The rumour mill would be in full flow tomorrow she expected.

Why hadn’t Tim mentioned the dirt on her face? She growled to herself silently.

Looking and feeling far more respectable, she returned to their table. Their drinks were already waiting for them.

Tim looked over at her briefly and then returned his gaze back out the window.

“How’s my fullback doing?” She teased boldly as she plopped back down into her seat trying to break the unnatural silence that seemed to have descended over them ever since they'd walked in the diner for a bite to eat.

The question had Tim's attention snapping back to her. “Your fullback?” He questioned with a smirk. She wasn't already reading too much into this deal they'd made was she? Play it cool man, play it cool, his brain told him. “Where did you get an idea like that from?”

Smiling playfully, “Tim,” she said licking her lips, “You footballers are like my dads bitches. He owns your ass. He’s my dad, what’s his is mine, ergo I own your ass too!”

Dimly she aware that she’s saying things she wouldn’t normally say and acting far more forward than she ever has before, but she can’t bring herself to care, liquid courage running through her veins.

Her answer exacts a look of shock from Tim who obviously didn’t expect such a reply. A second later though and he bursts into laughter.

A dozen pairs of eyes turn in their direction and Julie slumped down into the booth seat, her hand shielding the visible side of her face as she hissed, “Riggins” and swiped at him under the table with her feet.

The issued kick didn't do anything to stave off his laughter and his lips were still twisted into a full out grin when he calmed down a minute or two later.

The grin widened as their eyes locked and Julie scowled at him still hiding from the attention they were receiving.

With a shot of inspiration Tim grabbed hold of them menu’s and opened two of them up and set them standing on the edge of the table. Taking the other two he set them midway along the table.

He lent down over the table, motioning for Julie to do the same.

Their heads ducked down behind the tall menus at the edge of the table, and those standing in the middle of the table hid their reflections from the window.

“What are you doing?” Julie whispered.

“We,” Tim stressed, “are hiding from the other people in the diner.”

Snorting with amusement and breaking into further giggles each time their eyes met Julie laughed, “Oh like Grease then?”

His face blank remained blank at her reference to the popular film. “Grease?”

Julie gasped in mock outrage. “You’ve never seen Grease?”


“At all?”


“Not even, like a little bit of it?”


Pursing her lips and shaking her head in disappointment before grinning at him, Julie admitted, “I’m not too surprised. Probably not the kind of film you’d watch.”

“Why do you say that? What happens?” He asked in a hushed voice.

In the same tone Julie replied, “Danny and Sandy go on this date and they hide behind the menu’s as well.”

“Ah, a chick flick.” Tim nodded sagely. “What’s it about?”

“Basically?” Julie shrugged and then answered her own one word question. “It’s about a boy and a girl, and high school. And sex.”

Tim perked up at that last bit. “Sex?”

Julie nodded and confessed, “As a kid I loved that film. My friends and I wanted to be Sandy so badly! And then one night I was watching this documentary about it and they were talking about all these difference references I’d never picked up on. Like Marty’s last name being a reference to a cherry and how Sandy needs a man who can keep her ‘satisfied’ and in Grease Lighting how ‘the chicks’ll cream.’

I swear to you, even as a teenager I never noticed those references until after I’d watched this show.”

Tim smirked. “Doesn’t surprise me.”

“Hey!” Julie cried trying to feel offended but knowing she had no real reason to, but still…“I’ve had a boyfriend!”

“Yeah,” Tim agreed dryly, “And it was Saracen.”

Rolling her eyes with a huff, Julie crossed her arms on the table and rested her chin on them. “I still like watching it, but it hit me recently that the ending is kinda sad.”

“Why?” Tim asked, copying her actions.

“Danny and Sandy meet, and they really like each other as they are, but peer pressure and high school society says they can’t be together as they are, that one of them has to change. I understand that people make scarifies for love but still…”

“Sacrifices in the name of love,” Tim said rolling the last word about on his tongue. “I thought Girls loved them.”

“There are sacrifices and then there are scarifies. Sandy sacrificed herself. Everything about herself, her appearance, her habit’s, her beliefs. How could she be the same person Danny feel in love with by doing that? If Danny was so in love with her how could he let her do that? She shouldn’t have had to do that, and I know that Danny was going to change for Sandy too, but they should have been able to work through it as they were.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t acquire new habits or find new interests if you’re with someone, but Sandy completely reinvents herself. Destroyed everything that made her. That’s just not right. That is too big a sacrifice.” She tried to search for a good analogy. “That would be like my Dad giving up football for my Mom.”

His face a complete mask of seriousness, Tim said, “No man should ever have to give up football for a woman.”

Just like that mood was broken as they burst into laughter, each one shushing the other to quiet down.

The sound of a throat being cleared made them look up to see their waitress standing in front of their table with the food they’d ordered.

Sitting up quickly and moving away the menu’s accompanied by a mumbled apology Julie flushed realising exactly how they’d looked to everyone in the diner, bent low behind the menu’s, whispering and giggling.

They were an odd pairing, wild Timmy Riggins and virginal Julie Taylor the coach’s daughter. Even if they were only hanging out for one night.

The food was placed down in front of them, and Julie picked up her burger, added more tomato ketchup and took a bite of it avoiding Tim’s eyes.

She jumped as she felt his legs hook about her own and she looked over at him in surprise unable to help herself. There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes but he doesn’t say anything, or do anything else with his legs, he just leaves them there, hooked about her own.

The meal passed quietly as they each worked their way through the food on their plates. Julie had been too nervous to eat anything before the game and had gone straight to the party afterwards and it wasn't until she'd taken the first bite of her meal that she actually realised how hungry she was, and it was the first time that evening that Tim had been able to stop for anything to eat either.

Sucking the last of her milkshake up through the straw, Julie instantly noticed when Tim unhooked his legs from around hers.

Settling the empty glass on the table she shot him an enquiring look.

“Ready?” He asked.

Nervously she licked her lips and bobbed her head. “Yeah.”

“‘Right then,” Tim said as he stood.

Following his lead, Julie slid out of her seat and got to her feet, fiddling with the strap of her bag in attempt to give her hands something to do and then remembering to search for some cash to pay.

Tim didn't seem to grasp that concept though as he pulled her hand off the bag and gripped it with his own.

They headed over to the cash register, but the waitress there that had been so enamoured with Tim earlier that evening and had plied him with various titbits of advice waved them on, “Your money’s no good here Riggins.” She said before Tim could pull out any cash from his back pocket. “You won tonight, it’s on the house.”

With a few words of polite thanks, they left the diner, heading across to his truck and climbing inside.

This time she didn't hesitate in switching on the radio, but Sammy Mead has finished for the evening, and an unknown DJ is on the air, spinning country record after country record.

She’s content to sit in ignorance, leaving it to Tim to decide where they are going to end up that evening, her mind filtering through the various locations of where they are headed for. Some are crossed off her mental list almost immediately, they’re driving in the wrong direction, or other popular places, Bradley’s Lake House for example, have already been dibbed, or their being used for parties.

Fingers tapping on her thigh along to the slow tunes playing on the radio, Julie glanced out at the dark landscape outside of the window. Things always looked so different in the dark.

Eventually Tim turned off down a side road, and the truck bumped and rattled along the off road, bouncing over ruts and larger stones along the way.

Gradually the speed of the vehicle decreased and they came to a somewhat smooth stop and Julie relaxed her death grip on the door.

Stepping down from the truck, she took in the scene before her.

In front of them stretched the lake, the water rippled quietly and the moonlight reflected off it’s surface. The sky above them was free from clouds, the moon shining brightly down through the night sky and casting away a majority of the shadows.

Which meant that she could see Tim pretty clearly, and considering that she has never seen a naked man before, at least in the flesh, part of her wishes that it was a little darker.

If they’re getting naked that is. She’s not too sure of exactly what’s going to be happening between them. After all, theoretically you don’t technically have to be naked to have sex.

But another part of her is glad of the light evening, she wants to experience and remember every part of this.

She thinks it would be better if they are naked when they have sex. Despite any embarrassment she knows she’ll feel. At least that way she’ll feel as if she’s had sex, y’know, gone all the way, not merely fumbled about in their clothing and then that was it, she was fully de-virginised. It wouldn’t seem so cheap and tacky.

Tonight was about her being ready to take that step.

To sharing it with someone that she was sure she could trust.

It wasn’t something that should be cheap or tacky just because she wasn't in love. After all, how many teenagers were really in love when they had sex for the first time? They were in lust; she was most definitely in lust. And it was definitely far less tacky than losing it with Matt at Bradley’s lake house.

Tonight was almost romantic, with the scenery and the view, if she wasn’t feeling so nervous she was sure she’d appreciate it far more.

Startled, Julie visibly jumped as she heard the truck door slam shut and Tim walk around the front of it, a blanket slung over his arm, letterman jacket about his shoulders.

“Come on Jules,” he said clasping hold of her hand and leading her away from the truck.

tim/julie, fnl fic, pee wee football and the superbowl, completed fic, fanfic

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