(no subject)

Jul 03, 2006 15:26

Me:  If she's Beige, what color is Terri neon orange?
Dad: No, she's purple
Teddy: Purple?!?!
Dad: yeah
Teddy: well what color are we gold?
Dad: I guess I could put at gold... 
Me: Screw gold, I want to be Platium!!
Dad: Now you're not going to be able to see beige without thinking of her, beige is boring and so is she...

That is my lunch conversation today... Apparently my father has a color coding system for his relatives, especially his neices and nephews.. It has something to do with how they stick out, and their importance... And he says he's not an elitest.... right.. I really can't believe he labled one of them as beige... Honestly now... I left out her name, for her sake, but it really won't be difficult to figure out who she is...  After reading this, now some of you may not wonder so much, why I am so weird.. heheh


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