Jun 05, 2004 00:31
So right now I'm drinking hot chocolate with honey in it...the best. i wanna make pancakes, but i think its just a LITTLE late...
So I was suppose to go to the movies tomorrow night with alex, and gian, but alex didn't wanna go. and i dont blame her. so now i have nothing to do all weekend. anyone bored and wanna hang out? hit up the cellular!
i have to call john from work tomorrow and see what my hours are going to be. i hope their the same as alex's because im depending on her for a ride. at least for a month. so now, i have to get a second job because im not getting paid enough, cause im not working enough. IF ANYONE KNOWS ANY PLACE THATS HIRING, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO FIND A JOB! its ridiculous.
I've been reading the same book for the longest time. i started it and read like 100 pages, but with my AP testing, exams and the other 897543875 things i had to do, the book kinda got pushed aside. but of whati read, its a really good book. so after im done writing this beautiful entry, im going to read that book, cause its about time! =).
Oh and by the way...Andres, your journal makes me laugh everytime i read it. Thanks buddy! =)!
<3 tino