Aug 25, 2005 18:10
OK well surgury went ok and Tyler an Evan came over so see me! that was so nice, i looked like crap but they didn't care and they brought me a bouquet of weeds that is currently sitting on my kitchen table. Thank you guys so much.
ok and now onto the bad stuff, wendesday my face swelled up to the size of melons on each cheek. i look like a chipmunk except really gross. and i had to start takeing the antibiotic so i am sleeping ALOT. and i am hurting way more that i thought i would be, it sucks, i thought it was going to be fine because i did so well the first day but i am a mess now. They say it will take about a week for the swelling to go down enough for the pain to go away. well crap and its not so much pain but like achey pressure, plus its really annoying not being able to chew or talk very well.
ok well i have complained enough, i just wanted to give a little update. hehe