Apr 28, 2004 14:08

March 13, 2004 at 5:37AM weight:5lbs 11 Oz Length:19-1/4inches

Matthew is finally here!

It took almost three days for him to be born and it was the worst time I ever had in my entire life.

I was admitted into the hospital on the 11 of March because I was having the biggest headache and it wouldn't go away. They diagnosed me with Pre-Clampcea which can cause a stroke and seizers. 4am on the 12 of March they enduced labor and that was a hell in it's own. I slept through most of the labor until he was ready to come out. It took three pushes and 7 minutes for him to be born. Pete was there with me through the whole thing. I was and still am every happy for that because if he wasn't there I might not have been able to do any of it. I almost went crazy for a while with the pain but that was the nurse's fault for doubling my dosage of Petosin for a 6 to a 12. My body could not handle it and started to go into convulsion. The doctors were pissed because that much could have caused so much damage or it could have caused a stroke. Pete was there holding my hand and helping me try to concentrate on something else other than the pain my body was going through. I finally got the Epidural and finally fell asleep.at 5:30am on the 13 of March the doctors came in to check on me to see how far along I was and Matthew's head was already crowning. Pete was asleep so I asked the nurse to wake him up. When she told him what was happening I swear he looked liked a Jack-In-The-Box. His eyes were bigger than half dollar coins. My room was on full alert. Doctors and nurses were running around getting things ready while they watched my blood pressure and heart rate to make sure things were going okay. three pushes later Matthew was born and Pete did cut the cord and I was the first to hold him as soon as it was done. Pete also gave him his first bath at the hospital.

Matthew is almost 7 weeks old and he is a very health baby at 10 pounds. Pete and I have our own place and are doing fine. Matthew keeps us up most of the night but doesn't really fuss that much. I have my family. I feel complete and I am finally happy.
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