// 10 Years Ago - - - - -
01) How old were you? 10
02) Where did you go to school? Yamabuki elementary.
03) Where did you work? Paper route. So I worked all through the east block of Nishi-Gotanda.
04) where did you live? Nishi-Gotanda, in Tokyo.
05) Where did you hang out? I was in a lot of after school clubs, so I never got to hang out.
06) Did you wear glasses? No.
07) Who was your best friend? Kenta(rou Minami)
08) How many tattoos did you have? None.
09) How many piercings did you have? None.
10) What car did you drive? Well, there was this one time with my dad's car...
11) Had you been to a real party? Not what I would define real now...
12) Had You had your heart broken? Nope!
// 5 years ago - - - - -
01) How old were you? 15
02) Where did you go to school? Yamabuki Chuugakou
03) Where did you work? Ball-boy for the local tennis club.
04) Where did you live? Nishi-Gotanda, Tokyo.
05) Where did you hang out? Where didn't I hang out?
06) Did you wear glasses? No.
07) Who was your best friend? I had a few. Kenta, Tou-jiji, I considered Akutsu close, too...
08) How many tattoos did you have? None
09) How many piercings did you have? None
10) What car did you drive? None, two more years 'til I could drive.
11) Had your heart broken? Nah.
12) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce? Single, albeit reluctantly.
// 2 years ago - - - - -
01) How old were you? 18
02) Where did you go to school? Minami
03) Where did you work? Dominoes Pizza. God. The smell still isn't out of my clothes.
04) Where did you live? Mostly, Osaka.
05) Where did you hang out? The pub I now work in, boxing club, tennis club, cheerleading club, the tennis courts opposite Ikeda Chuugakou.
06) Did you wear glasses? For reading.
07) Who was your best friend? I didn't have one.
08) How many tattoos did you have? None.
09) How many piercings did you have? None.
10) What car did you drive? My dad's battered ford fiesta.
11) Had your heart broken? No.
12) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce? Single, and loving it.
// Today - - - - -
01) How old are you? 20
02) Where do you go to school? Minami
03) Where do you work? Paddy's Irish Bar.
04) Where do you live? Osaka, and occasionally Nishi-Gotanda.
05) Do you wear glasses? Only for reading, and even then not that much. Eurgh. I hate them.
06) Where do you hang out? Yuki and Sadaharu's dorm, college clubs, Ikeda Chuugakou (that sounds so perverted. I COACH THE GIRLS THERE.) Nishi courts, the library, work.
07) Who are your best friends? Oshicha, Yuki (special BFF status here), Taichi, An-chan, Haru-chan (even though he wouldn't want me to think of him as a friend), Skippy, Little Red and Shinji (because the definition of a best friend to me is someone you can tell anything to, and even if they don't consider me close to them I still latch on) I could go on all day here.
08) How many piercings do you have? None.
09) How many tattoos? None.
10) What kind of car do you have? Still, my dad's Ford Fiesta.
11) Has your heart been broken? Nearly.
12) Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce? Very firmly taken. Several times a few nights ago.
01. The next person you'll hold hands with, will it mean anything?
Sort of. Depends what you mean by "meaning" something. If I'm crossing the road with one of the girls and they try to run through traffic, it will mean "STAY THE FUCK HERE AND DON'T GET KILLED *inner overprotective coach spaz*" even if I'm really just saying "Minami-chan, you shouldn't run ahead ^_^"
02. Do you sleep with the TV on?
All the time.
03. Have you ever drank alcohol straight from the bottle?
Yes, but I won't do it any more. I've seen where the bottles have been.
04. Do you think you're old?
05. Are you afraid of the dark?
Rarely, but I can be. In a sort of quiet, manly, dignified way (shut up, Yuki), after I watch horror movies.
06. Do you like your life right now?
Yeah. There's a little malingering discontent but it's nothing that can be fixed, really, and I have a wonderful boyfriend and great friends. Clearly, my luck's holding out.
07. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
I hate baths o.o
08. Do you knock on wood?
Duh. Don't wanna get jinxed.
09. Do you have good vision?
I'm told my motion vision is excellent. I need glasses when I read for too long, though, or I end up getting tired fast.
10. Can you hula hoop?
11. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
I... don't know. THe strange thing is, I ... probably could, thinking hard about it.
12. Do you have a job?
13. Do you like to read?
Yes. But I'm childish. My main literary intake is tabloid newspaper, trashy romance and shounen anthologies.
14. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
16. Have you ever crawled through a window?
17. Bitch much?
I can be bitchy. I just rarely choose to be. Usually aggressiveness wins over bitchiness.
18. Can you handle the truth?
No. Not really. I lie to myself a lot. I don't like being lied to, though. If I can't handle it, I'll block it out of my mind by myself, so I don't need to be lied to.
19. What was the most recent thing you bought?
Meat from unnamed parts *pout*
20. Are you listening to music?
*mumble mumble Motekke Serafuku on my Mp3 player*
21. Where are you?
Library. Sigh.
22. How often do you talk on the phone?
Hardly ever. I like to talk face to face.
23. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yes. I'm amazed, too.
25. Are you in a complicated relationship?
I... uh... um... no, I don't think so. Well. A little bit. But not really. No. Wait. NO COMMENT.
26. Do you hate more than 3 people?
No. There are two people I hate in this world.
27. Have you ever tripped someone?
Not on purpose.
28. Name one thing that is always on your mind?
32. Have you made a prank phone call?
33. Are you sarcastic?
I can be. But people can rarely tell.
34. Have you ever slapped someone?
What do I look like to you, a woman?
35. Do looks matter?
No, but I've never met anyone I've actually considered ugly.
36. Do you use chap stick?
Yes. *pout* I don't want my lips getting all dry and flaky, do I?
37. Are you too forgiving?
No. I'm usually the one doing the apologizing.
38. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
39. Do you own a gun?
I'm with Yuki on this one.
41. When was the last time you cried?
About a month ago Stupid Akutsu
42. Olive Garden?
43. Have you ever been in a castle?
No. What?
45. Do you like your hair?
What can I say, I'm gorgeous.
47. Do you like yourself?
Most of the time.
48. Are you closer to your mother or father?
I love my 'tou-san A LOT but... 'kaa-san. It's hard not to be close to someone who's always looking over your shoulder.
49. Have you ever stripped?
Yeah. A few times, actually.
51. Do you chat on MSN often?
I hate that thing. Updates, always updates!
52. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yes. Um. A few people's. But it was never intentional.
53. Full House or Brady Bunch.
Brady Bunch for the win. Marsha was hot.
54. Did you like your Guidance Counselor in school?
Not really, no. The only time I ever had to talk to her, she had a grudge against the person we were talking about.
55. Has anyone ever called you a tease?
I am called that more than I am called my name.
56. Do you have any scars?
No, but my nose is a little bit crooked from being broken. More than once.
57. Relationships or one night stands?
58. Have you seen all the Rocky movies?
59. Who was the last person to make you cry?
60. Ever wish upon a star?
No... I don't know why.
61. Where is your dad right now?
'Tou-san would be... at work at the moment.
63. Got Milk?
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like, it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours, I could teach you, but I'd have to charge. 64. Last person you text messaged?
65. What kind of phone do you have?
A Nokia. 3500i.
69. What do you smell like?
At the moment, cigarette smoke. Yeauch.
70. What color are your eyes?
71. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill?
Yeah, ended up nearly getting knocked over.
72. What color is your bedroom floor?
At home, I don't know, I haven't seen the floor in a couple of years. I... haven't actually payed attention in the dorm. Geez, what colour IS it?
73. Do you have a chair in your room?
In Osaka, yes.
75. Do you know someone named Betsy?
I know a Betsui...? Cute guy, nice smile.
76. What color is your mom's hair?
A little darker than mine.
78. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
Rooondon bashi o-chi-ta, o-chi-ta, o-chi-ta ~
79. Are you married?
Oh my god. IMAGINE.
80. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
Kikyo phoned me two or three days ago.
81. Do you play an instrument?
Nope. I'm not musically inclined.
82. Do you like fire?
I have a phobia of bunsen burners.
83. Are you allergic to anything?
Cucumbers. Irony at its best.
84. Do you have a crush on anyone?
It would be insulting to call him a "crush"
86. Have you ever been to a spa?
Can't say I have.
87. Do you like butterflys?
They're pretty! I like when I'm sitting by a window in spring in class and I can watch them fluttering across the courtyard. *gruff* They're okay.
89. Do you miss someone right now?
... yeah.
90. Do you think they miss you too?
No, probably not.