Captians Log:

Sep 15, 2010 21:20

it has been about 5 weeks since my last confession- have to admit ive been a lil preoccuppied with being a new mommy- and  i have to say its going Great! i absolutely am in love with my little ryley! <3 he is such an angel- the whole labor thing went as about how i expcted it to- although i was truly disappointed in the nursing staff at west houston hsop- when i got there the first nurse was really nice and i liked her alot- but then at shift change the second nurse that took over me was nice but usless! she kept talking about bad service she got at some restaurant and icecream- ummm hello! im contracting here! and then she left me and courtney by ourselves for a good 30 min we were wondering where she went and court finally went out to look for her and she was in the hall on her cell phone just chatting away! grrr what if something happend while she was gone? we dont know how to deliver a baby! so then they gave me the epi and some petocin to kick my contractions a lil faster because they were still 3-5min apart after 2 hrs of being there- once the epi kicked in it was nice i t felt that i could actually enjoy the birth more so than concentrating on the pain i was going through......but no.... once it was really time to push SHE CUT OFF THE EPI! what the hell was the point of giving me drugs to not feel pain if youre going to cut it off in the most crucial time! so i felt absolutely EVERYTHING- it was like i never had any drugs to begin with- it was the longest 40min evar- it wouldnt have been so bad but apparently ryley decided he wanted tosee everyting when he came out so he was face up instead of face down like every other baby- so being face up..oh and crooked so everytime i pushed he was hitting the side... makes it more difficult to come out- go figure it be my kid- litterally a pain in my ass! the doc who delivered me (since mine wasnt there that night) was also a plastic surgeon- so i was in luck- he gave me a funny look and i made the nurses laugh when he told me he had to stich me up since kiddo ripped my ahole- i told him to "make sure he double stitches everything cause i would like to have sex again someday!" lol i make myself laugh- hes lucky hes cute cause stitches suck

on a brighter note i was really stoked to have my brother and his fam show up- they drove down from austin that morning just to hang out for a cpl hours in the hospital- i was really surprised when marcus txt me saying they were on their way- cause i didnt think theyd be able to make it- it really made my day having actual family there with me- i had friends show up later and the next day too but its not the same- since being at home we have adjusted to a semi schedule- i know when its nap time and when hes getting hungry...which is just about all the time when hes awake cause i have a hungry hungry hippo! LOL ryley was one month yesterday- we have a docs appt tomorrow- last time we went he was 9.11lbs and almost 22" so we shall see how much bigger he is this week- tomorrow is his consultation for his circumsion- yikes- that was another thing that bugged me about the hosp- there was so much confusion about who was going to circumsize him since my doc wasnt there and he gave me hell about medicaid not covering it- yet they do- oh well either way its covered and im getting it taken care of- im still waiting for a real smile tho- all i get are smiles that are fart induced :/ soon though he will start to smile and coo more- he does scoot pretty well when hes on his tummy chillin on the bed- he like to sit up alot and look around at everything- by day 2 he was holding up his head pretty well- my strong lil man- i just love watching his lil face when hes wakig up- he makes the cutest lil faces ^_^ when hes hungry he starts to growl and grunt and squints one eye LOL adorable i laugh everytime- hes my growling lil tiger cub- i wish i culd get a pic of his face but i breast feed and im sure not everyone wants to see ma boobies lol oh well- im ready to get back to work but i also know that its going to be hard to leave him too- i love snuggling with him early in the moring- he sleeps in his crib most the night but usually in the early morn when he eats i put him in my bed and we sleep the rest of the time :) hes so im starting to sound like those smushy gooey moms- sometimes it still seems surreal to me that i have a son- i never had planned on having any kids myself- i have some pretty bad kidneys that acted up in the begining but are holding up failry well for the time being- and i also never wanted to be in the situation that im in- not that anyone wishes to be a single parent but none the less- here i am and i think im maintaining pretty well- ive had a couple small breakdowns but nothing major- i am pretty strong and i know that we will be just fine :)

cant wait till i can move back to austin and be closer to my family (which pretty much is my brother and  sis n law and nephew) and friends- i miss home soooo much and everyone! not quit sure on the living situation yet- i have to pay off my apt here first before i can get another apt which kind of sucks cause my apt credit was always the one good thing i had :( i will figure something out though- hopefully i can find a cash car when my tax return comes in- cause i know it will be bigger than any ive gotten before-

well thats it for now i suppose- i have my gpas 75th bday party this weekend which should be fun- ryley will get to meet everyone- especially his great grandpa being that thats where his middle name came from- gpa has always been my hero- "i love you for now- i love you for always- as long as im living my baby youll be" thats his saying he always says to me <3
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