i wish i had a car. it seems i will be struggling for a long time to come with over 10,000 in loans right now. i don't even know if u of m is really worth all this. shiiiiit. that's a helluva lot of money to pay back. thank god most of it is interest free until i graduate. congrats to kristina, babies are so wonderful!!! glad you and mario are having a grand time.
your old concert buddy, MOI
PS: i went to see hanson at state i think in july or something, but anyway, i think it was the first time i'd been back to the state theatre in like 10 years, right? since we used to go and help your mom with the food. it was so weird, it just slammed me with memories of us running around, laying on the carpet looking up at the bas reliefs or w/e you call them, investigating that old cigarette machine and going anywhere and everywhere we wanted to in there, definitely a beautiful place. well it was great until we went up by the stage and these midget teenyboppers started bitching me and talking smack to me, i wanted to elbow them in the backs of their heads and knock em out they were so mean! you have no idea how badly i wished i had a backstage pass then just to flash in their faces and be like " booyah! beeyotches, whatcha got on me now!" haha, those were really the days. where are you living now? gp? eastpointe? detroit? we should maybe get together sometime, double date! you can meet my arab man. haha, cya.
glad you and mario are having a grand time.
your old concert buddy,
PS: i went to see hanson at state i think in july or something, but anyway, i think it was the first time i'd been back to the state theatre in like 10 years, right? since we used to go and help your mom with the food. it was so weird, it just slammed me with memories of us running around, laying on the carpet looking up at the bas reliefs or w/e you call them, investigating that old cigarette machine and going anywhere and everywhere we wanted to in there, definitely a beautiful place. well it was great until we went up by the stage and these midget teenyboppers started bitching me and talking smack to me, i wanted to elbow them in the backs of their heads and knock em out they were so mean! you have no idea how badly i wished i had a backstage pass then just to flash in their faces and be like " booyah! beeyotches, whatcha got on me now!" haha, those were really the days. where are you living now? gp? eastpointe? detroit? we should maybe get together sometime, double date! you can meet my arab man. haha, cya.
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