I've gone to a rash of parties lately that all get lumped into the same mental space in my head. That thing is "we think it's funny to pretend like we're adults, but oops, we actually are." They've been great parties, for sure, but I feel like everyone's a little "oh my god, wouldn't it be cuh-RAZY to have a fancy dress-up cocktail party, just
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i was on the other end of this a couple years back, when i didn't realize that sending a wedding gift was the appropriate response to a declined wedding invitation. i couldn't make it to my very good friend's wedding in another state, and a year later was reading a tact article and realized that i had inadvertently been a dick. i wonder what else i don't know that i'll discover later when i'm more of a grown-up.
I'm kind of against the idea of sending someone a wedding gift when you didn't attend the wedding. The gift should be the fact that you just spared them $75 for the meal you would've eaten had you attended the wedding! But it also depends on how close you are with the person too. Close friends who live across the country should probably get gifts, but if it's just some random person you don't know well, then eh.
i decided that when i get married, i'm having a $25 limit on gifts so that nobody feels pressured to spend a shitload. in exchange, i will provide hot dogs and beer.
on the rounds thing, that totally makes sense. i so rarely go out with more than one or two people, and even more rarely for multiple rounds, that it is usually not an issue. it just goes along with a general trend i've seen in people ages 20-30 where it's like, if you're generous, you are taking a huge risk that other people won't recognize it and reciprocate, or that they'll just be like "oh gosh, i don't think i want to drink anymore" when it's their turn, and you'll end up always being the person who volutneers to pay. same thing with going out to dinner with a large group, when people want to divide up the check individually instead of just splitting it equally amongst everyone. i almost always end up putting in way more than my share when that happens, usually jsut to avoid the awkwardness of waiting for people who didn't put in enough to cough up another two dollars. it's liek being in a kindergarten class, waiting for one kid to take the blame for crayon graffiti so that everyone can go to recess. i'm usually that kid, and it totally sucks balls.
sorry i just went on a cranky spree in your LJ kelly...
I kind of get the rounds thing... like Mary said, I might not drink more than a drink or two, so it kind of sucks to have buy four or more drinks for others... then again, if the person was accepting the free drinks, they should pitch in when their turn comes around!
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