Mar 06, 2006 11:09
Ok this entry is for ashley.....she always wants to know what is up with my boyfriend...So if you havent heard i broke up with bobby....theres a shocker.....He wanted to be with his ex or some shit so thats over....Well I have a new boyfirnd....His name is John...same name as my step dad scary shit...He had brown hair blue eyes and is a sweet heart. He is the same height as me and is very cute. If you want to compare him to someone that would be Scott Bureau not sure if that is how you spell his last name or not....he is great.......We have so much to talk about when we are together. He is 18 and lives in Branford. We are going to the movies this weekend to see final desitnation 3...I saw him yesterday we went to walmart to shop then to denny's for some food then to the bowling alley to bowl. I might seem him tonight if i go to the bowling alley.I have to go shop for some new jeans. So after that i might go over to the bowling alley.. I will call him later and see what time he will be there. So Ashley this is for you and i hope i gave you enough information i probably forgot something just let me know because i always forget shit you know. But he is great so far. Great personality and just does anything to make me happy...I bet if i asked him to a chick flick he would go lol maybe not sure......But we met at the bowling alley i knew i forgot somthing We have been dating for 3 days now lol and it is the best yet...I was talking to Dave this morning and he is like you little hore you were just dating bobby and now you are dating this kid some funny shit. Well kids i gotta run as much as i dont want to i have some things to do so ill talk to you later k.
love always