So much has happened!

Apr 14, 2005 16:56

Yeah, I know, it has been a while since I've updated... I am just SO busy with everything going on, and while I know the semester's close to being over, it still feels like there's no end in sight.

I have that Chesapeake Bay field trip on Saturday. We're leaving @ 6am. I'm sick of having to something to do everyday and every weekend... I really wish I could have a life outside of school. It's Berecca's birthday tonight and she really wants everyone to party, but I just don't think I can do it besides my long ass day Saturday, Sunday I have to be at Admitted Student's Day and then I have a concert that night... sad part is, I'm already tired.

I really wish I could go home this weekend, because something really bad happened in my neighborhood and I just miss my house and Rocky (I talk to my parents enough not to really miss them too much). The house that is next door to my neighbor across the street burnt down, and Mrs. Fry went into cardiac arrest and died. My next door neighbor went inside and rescued Mr. Fry, who probably would have died had he not. They both went to the hospital for smoke inhalation, but as far as I know they're doing ok. While I wasn't close to them, but I have spent my entire life in that neighborhood and they were there before my parents moved there. I think the saddest part of it all is that they were planning on selling the house and Mr. Fry was going to go into assisted living. That and my neighbors across the street are away and haven't found out yet. It's things like this that really make you step back and get the real perspective on life.

Even though I'm drained and I have my dreaded Aq Ecol exam on Tuesday, things are going really great for me. I got into Mortar Board, and I just received a letter saying that I will be receiving 2 awards at the honors ceremony on April 26th. I had a feeling I was going to win the music award again (Marie A. Markow Excellence in Music Prize) but I'm also getting the Biology Faculty Award, which REALLY shocked me. I was SO excited I just about fell off my chair! I have an ass load of assignments to do, but other than that school is going really great! I just got my Bay Exam back and got a 97% and got my Music History Exam back in which I got the highest grade in the class (my prof had to pull me aside and tell me this)-- 103%... SWEET.

All of my critters are doing really well too! Rocky's tail is back to normal (thank goodness, he looked like a fool before) and Lucky now has 2 tank mates... SNAILS! Lauren brought them to me last night and they're pretty cool. My salamander babies seem to be doing ok, the one takes the food directly from me, but I'm still not sure how the little one is doing. All the sea creatures seem to be pretty happy two and the one mud crab molted!

So, in perspective, things really aren't so bad... I'm just pooped! Alright, dinner time!

Take care friends!
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