Oct 03, 2015 23:13
Well I always say im going to try and make this a regular thing but i never seem to stick with it. I really need to with how crazy my life is getting and needing more of an outlet than ever so well see if I can get my shit together with this fancy new Ipad version I have. Gone are the posts on my cell phone or the computer we are officially really digital now. As per always there need to be updates. Im still married (10 years as of August), my son is 9 years old. Still got a great job with UPS. I have high goals for myself at this company in the future. Currently im a part time/full time suervisor. Got a great team and I love my job. Cant wait to do some traveling and move into permanent full time. Husbands got a good job and looking like he's going to get a raise soon so thats always good. 3 dogs and 2 cats in our life, Miller, Kahlua, Remy, Twilight and Jamison are our current zoo.
I have to say in the grand scheme of things my life is pretty damn good. Bills are getting paid, my hsuand is a reformed alcoholic so we are working toward him being completely sober but i dont see that happening in the new future. Life 6 months ago was not really fun but in the last 6 its definitly looking up.
What do i expect for the new chapter of my life, I dont know but I cant wait to find out. Damn this keyboard is tiny, If I start doing this on the regular I might need to get a bigger keyboard because this Kate Spade one is awfully small...
ly but I gotta go to bed. Have to be up at 530 to head off to work on Sunday, Cant wait to be off sundays!