Sep 02, 2005 02:12
Life sucks the way that you can come into the world and leave it at any moment.
So my summer has been alright. The best part was probly the Sugarland concert back in June. It was Great! we got to be like 3 or 4 rows back. And I got Jennifer Nettles autograph which was pretty cool. The concert really was AMAZING tho. It was me, my dad, collen, laura, and colleen's friend Erin. It was just amazing. They said that they had never seen so many people down at Power Plant live before there were like 5,000 people or something. IT was CRAZY! but anyways I finshed up softball for IHM CYO team. We came in 3rd. we probly would have done better if my pitching hadnt SUCKED!!!! but 3rd place is pretty good. Oh i got a surprise party that my parents threw. IT was pretty cool. I definately wasnt expecting it. Some depressing stuff happened too. One of my friends from youth group, Johnny, had been suffering from cancer for several years and at the end of june the day before his 16th birthday he died. It was very sad. I went to the funeral and all but its just hard when young people die no matter how close you are to them. Yeah so that sucked and brought the summer down a little.
Forth of July was pretty good. I cant really remember it. The parade was alright but not at its best this year. we went to the pool i think. then we went to see fireworks which werent as good as usual but it was ok. there were some really stupid kids who decided to do their own fireworks and they started one but it like went flying everywher and it hit some old lady and then her daughter came over and yelled at the kids then the cops came so that turned out to be pretty cool. lol. Yea but that was about ir for teh forth of july.
On July 12, I turned 16. It was suppose to be a pretty sucky day because my one friend cancelled plans with me which really really pissed me off. But i was able to get over it because Kate and Melissa took me out to Chuck E. Cheese for my birthday and it turned out to be a LOT of fun. My parents gave me a digital camera for my birthday. I really like that. I think that one of my favorite presents tho would have to be a charm sorta thing for a necklace that my great aunt gave me. It had the IND symbol thingy on it and i really like that. She said that she got that back in 1937 when she went to school there. So that is something i will definately keep for a very very long time. Oh and my parents took me out to dinner on my birthday we went to the Chinese restaurant. Im not really sure what the place is called but its the only Chinese restaurant that we go to. So my birthday turned out to be pretty good.
Hmm what else has happened this summer? Oh we went to the beach for like 2 days. It was nice. We stayed at some new place this year. It wasnt on the boardwalk or anythign it was like on the big road i forget what they call it like some route i think. but it was really nice. they had really built the beach up it was sooo long.
Oh a big thing that we did over the summer was change rooms. I now have my own room!!!! For the first time in my life I have MY OWN ROOM! its pretty cool. I decided to paint it bright yellow for the walls and then navy blue ceiling. I really like it. Its small and we havent completely finisehd putting up shelves and everythign but its alright. ITs a little strange sometimes because its quiet and no one is around but i am getting use to it.
The Boor's came down to visit. THat was fun. we pretty much just hung out went bowling and that was about it. It was nice to see them tho becuase we never really get to see them anymore and none of us really talk toomuch anymore.
YEa so that was about it. I spent most of my summer hanging out with Kate. That was definately one of the highest points of the summer. Since she is now going to school in Frederick i never get to see her. Sometimes i feel like she is like my only friend. Because some of the people at school can just be so cliquey. I feel like i never fit in but when im with her I just am able to have fun and not worry about being accepted and everythign it really nice.
YEa anyway so she went back to school a few weeks ago and i did do something with people from school.
I threw a Big/little sister extravaganza. It was a pretty good party. It was a lot of work tho i have now learned not to trust other people when planning a party becuase they just sit back and let you do everythign then take the credit. which really pissed me off but i have gotten over it. THe party was pretty good not to many of the people that i like to hang out were there they were mostly people that sarah hung out with. but i got to meet my little sister and she is really cool. I am relaly glad that i didnt get someone that i already knew becasue that would have been boring and awkward like me and stephanie. But now i get to get to know lauren and what i know i like so that is good. I think we are gonna get along really well.
So now like everyone is in school any mine and the rest of my family school hasnt started up yet so the days are pretty boring. There has been nothing to do like all week. We went up and helped my mom at her school a little last week. Then i babysat on monday nad tuesday and made $120 which was relaly sweet!. I really need the money tho becuase i am going to go to NCYC in october which i am pretty excited about. Then yesterday i just hung out around the house all day. well i slept until 230 in the afternoon. lol.
So now the part of this that i have been wanting to get to just so i can say how i feel about it. yesterday September 1st, my mom came home from school and said she had to tell us something. right then and there i knew that it was something bad but i was not expecting this at all. She said that Mr. Brotzman had died the day before. I was just in shock i couldnt believe it and i still cant. THere is just now way! he was so cool. And all my siblings really liked him and looked up to him. Its so hard to believe that this could happen. Earlier this summer when johnny died it was sort of expected but this? THis had come from NO WHERE. It is so sad to think about it. I dont know how but i havent cried yet. I feel soo bad. I know that Colleen really really looked up to him. She would go and hang out in his room everyday before school for about 1/2 hour then after school she would be in there sometimes until almost 4:30. You can tell that she is taking it hard but she doenst want to show it. I feel so bad for her and It is just so hard to believe that this is happening. It doesnt even seem like reality. But it figures I guess that something bad is going to happen every year when a Strauch graduates from IHM. When it was me in 8th grade. Alana died 2 days before school started. Now Mr. Brotzman I just cant believe it. I just feel so bad for my sister because she is taking it so hard but at the same time trying to cover it up which just makes it harder. I think taht once we all find out how it happened it might make more sense but right now it is just unimaginable. It is so hard to belive it. I mean school is out for the summer and there is Mr. Brotzman getting ready for his camp and everything as happy as can be and now just as school is suppose to start he is gone in an instant. I still am unable to believe it. IHM is going to have a hard year to start. I also feel bad for the new teacher because she doesnt really know what is going on and everything and then all the new students who are coming from the schools that closed it is gonna be hard for them too because all of teh upper grades knew and loved him and now these kids are gonna be coming into a new school and having to deal with this. School is going to be so sad on Tuesday I dont know if i will be able to go up to IHM it is just going to be so depressing and the worst part is that i never even really knew mr. brotzman. I mean yea i had hung out iwth my siter once or twice in his room but i never really got to know him. It is so strange. So right now I really am hoping that nothing else is going to go wrong. Life is given to you but can be taken away in amatter of seconds and now i really think that i am going to start living life to its full extent because you never know what is going to happen.
So besides my sadness I still have over 200 pages of a really boring book that i have to read before like the weekend and i also need to to all of my questions for the book. LIFE! It is crazy. Oh and to top it off i am such a worry wart that i am so scared that i am going to die and i feel like i am having a heart attack or something because my left arm is killing me and same wiht my leg and then there is like a little bit of pain around my heart. So I am hoping that this isjust my mussles being tired from mowing ms. june's lawn. I am almost scared to go to sleep becuase i am afraid that i will never wake up. But i need to conquer my fears. I need to get my book read and really try to connect with Jesus. And try to find some answers to this crazy life of mine.
Until later,