(no subject)

May 01, 2006 18:22

I am outraged! At Carleton, you need a 10 GPA to keep your scholarship. My marks were B, B+, A-, A-, A. I have a 9.6 GPA. I lose my scholarship. It is sooooo frustrating. Had I missed it by 1 or more GPA, I would have felt better. But .4? That's an exceptionally hard pill to swallow. Especially cuz the majority of my marks were in the A range. Jackasses. *fumes*

In other news, Game 5 was absolutely fantastic. Although hockey games with 4+ boys are always interesting...Andy picked me up from work (last day at Loeb, wut wut), and then we went and picked up James, Calvin, Justin, Jason, and Sean/Shaun/Shawn (no idea how to spell his name). Jason and Sean/Shaun/Shawn weren't sitting with us, but we gave them a drive. At the game, James got 5 bristol boards and wrote "Ray" "Emery" "4" "Prime" "Minister" on them. I got Prime. We held them up, but didn't get on the Jumbotron *shakes fist*. AAAANYWAYS that last minute was extremely tense...I almost died lol. But SENS WON! On to round 2 for us! Anyways, after the game we met up again with Jason and Sean/Shaun/Shawn and went to Denny's, where we were greeted by people cheering on the Sens. We all felt sick afterwards, pretty much.

I definitely had the best joke of the night. We all wanted chinese food, and Andy was like 'I have a craving for Asian,' and I was like 'Calvin's in the back'. Hahaha it was so funny =)

Without taking into account the disturbing stories of sucking poo out of people and  suspicions of spitting in drinks, it was an amazing night! Andy-roo, I love you, the night was FANTASTIC. *hugs*

briannie, the lieutenant general of the Sens Army, is out. -socheesy-

PS- everyone should read THE DA VINCI CODE and ANGELS AND DEMONS.
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