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Aug 31, 2005 15:31

[Wednesday, August 31st, 2005
at 2:56pm]
So last night we had to restart the computer over AGIAN. This computer sucks so much. But now it's working just dandy and that's only because I fixed it, even though I was up until 12:30 fixing the damn thing. Yay for me. Kaitlyn, Jenny, and Amanda came over last night. Like usual Tuseday nigth! But that was the last one because next Tuseday school effing starts. GOD DAMNIT!

Well today was boring...very much so! My dad keeps on waking us up early because he says school is soon and we nees to get used to it. Well that's not even cool..because I love to sleep. I didn't even take one nap today. I was pretty proud of me! But I was online most of the day trying to figure out my lj...but Kaitlyn really fixed it for me and it took her like 2 seconds and she got it and it took me around...well forever and I didn't even do it right. But I do love it now. I think I'll keep it like that for a while because it's my favorite!

So tomorrow I get to drive for 6 hours! But if I can't find my damn permit I can't so yea... That could be a problem. I have no idea how to spell where I'm going but I'll give it a try. It's something like Skenectity..no idea but it's wrong.
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