Mar 16, 2008 01:53
i admit, it has been a long time since i have posted anything. wel, i am sincerely sorry for that. me and my husband both were sick with seemingly endless bouts with nastiness. bronchitus, laryngitus, stomach flu, head colds, you name we've shared it back and forth. (please pardon my spelling...its too early-or late- for me to be awake!)
i've been having a hard time as well about an old friend that has come back in my life after quite a few years without contact. when we worked together, i admit i flirted with him and he with me (i think) and right now, i am feeling guilty about talking to him after feeling the way i did (and possibly still do). the fates are truly testing my willpower i think. i'm married, he's daitng someone and it will get complicated if i flirt, even innocently. although i have a hard time believing that any flirting is innocent. i need guidance and if anyone reading this has any advice, i am open to anything you have to say. granted, i am very stubborn and i wont listen, i'll consider it. not making any promises but i will try to be more "there" and post more often than once every few months or something.
right now, the bed and my naughty fantasies are calling.