I am here and am suppose to be working in Adobe Premiere, but I'm restless, so I will type!
I got a superior on my costume designs! :D when I get some time, I will scan them and show you what I did. They were for the musical comedy Honk! they were cute. The judges didn't really have any complaints. One told me to watch the colors because he thought that the duck mother should have been more white than yellow, and the other said to watch the type of fabrics that I use, but i knew that. I had slim pickins because the craft store that I had to go to was closing, and they only had so many fabrics left. but yay! I get to take my designs and fix them up and take them to states. :D
In other news, I finished coloring my very first original art in Photoshop!!!
The original pencil sketch :D I am so proud of myself! :D
I got a monkey and a tin of cookies from amanda today! the coooookies are sooooo good!!! yummmay! lol!
x-mas cards are going out tomorrow, hopefully.... *crosses fingers*