Ok, I have some ranting and moaning and whining to get out... I will cut it to spare your bordem... it will, however include the following topics:
- My Idiot Brother
- Science/Evolution
- My life
- School
- The Future
- My Website
- Other Random Stuff
My Idiot Brother
My brother, Joe, is an idiot. He is the middle child, so he feels that he needs to stand out and be acknowledged and what not, so he acts out. He has a girl friend that my mother and I don't like. And tonight, we had a family meeting, something that my mom likes to do every now and then, and he totally acted out. She told us that we had to make our beds in the morning, which I do, but Joe and Dan, my other brother, don't sometimes.
So he flips out. He's like "why do I have to. I don't like your demands. bleh bleh bleh." And I'm getting mad because I want this meeting to be over and I don't think that it's a big deal. He is only 16 so he is still a minor but he wants to be treated like an adult. But he acts like a kid, so he is treated like one! I don't get why he doesn't get it.
He's failed 4 classes and doesn't really care. I have never failed a class. I have never had to repeat a class. He will/has. I HATE his attitude!!! OMG! ok, that's enought...
I believe in evolution. I belive souly in it. I am against creationism and intellegent design. There are too many facts. There is too much proof. Creationism is based on faith and faith alone. Intellegent design is a mix of the two of them. I don't have any faith, I am an athiest, so I can not believe in that one eaither.
Evolution is something that I like to read about. It is something that I think that I want to get into as a career. My dream is to become a scientist and become some-what famous for my discoveries. I think that I have the qualities. I have a strong love of science and I am creative. I am also not afraid to take certain risks, like risking my career because people are against evolution and controversial topics like stem cell research and gay union. I am all for these things.
Why should we stop or hinder people/research/ideas? That's silly. That's like banning books. This is suppose to be a country of the free and we have so many constraints! It's rediculous!
Any ways... Science is an important part of the evolution of society and the U.S, which has the most resources and uses the most, is lagging behind the other highly developed countries by alot. I think that we need to put more funding to science and stop putting limits on labs. I don't want limits when I go to get a job and am on the verge of a major break through!
My Life
My life, as it is right now, is going very good. I would give it an 8 out of 10. But I want a Boy Friend. I'm not going to lie. I want one. It's not cool. Then, when I think about it harder, I am going to be 18 in less than a year and I am still single. I don't try that hard tho. Here I am, at 8:00 on a Friday night and I am on my computer. >Sigh< But Oh well... I am working on it. Especially at work.
School is going good, but I am scared of next semester. AP Bio and AP English is going to be a challange...
The Future
I want to go to collage, and I'm not sure where I want to go. I need to get registered for the SATs and I need to take the ACT, maybe. I will definatly take art in collage... I haven't had art class since 4th or 5th grade! that was... *does maf* that was up to 8 years ago!!! So that's what I want to do, but I don't think that I want to major in it.
I also need to learn to drive and get my licence! DX but I don't wanna!!! waaaah!!
My Website
check it out:
http://www.trishrawls15.netfirms.com and tell me what you think! ;D thanx! [some of it is under construction tho...]
Random Stuff
More art on the way, and a bunch of goofy pics from Halloween!
and that's it... all done.... thanx for listening! *HUGGS*