Ok day turned bad day turned awesome night <3

Feb 11, 2009 01:43

Ever have a day that is alright, not necessarily good and not necessarily bad? I had one of those, but then it turned bad because I got a head ache, and I NEVER EVER get headaches, so getting one is a BIG deal. The kids weren't listening to me and my uncle was on my case buggin me and just being annoying... Plus I had to take the girls to the doctor and they both have bronchitis. My mom is almost done getting over bronchitis, and my dad went to the doctor today because HE has it. I swear, if I get it on or before Valentines Day... I am going to kill someone.

Anyway... So I came home and took my brother to the store because my BF told me to... and I felt like crap. So I went home and took a 1/2 hour nap. Then I got up, had a quick dinner and took 3 ibuprofen for the head ache and made my way to lab. I got to see sperm under the microscope, which was REALLY cool!!! It's so amazing how just one of those little tiny things can get u pregnant...

So after class me and Sarah decided to go out to eat. I had a surprise for her tho... My friend Andres gets out of his rehearsals at the same time almost that we do. So we met up with him. AND my boyfriend called and HE came and met up with us too!! So we all went out to eat and it was good to be with 3 of my favorite people. :)

Sarah went home, and later Andres, my boyfriend, and me paid and went outside. Andres went home and crashed and me and Roo hung out for a bit and talked and stuff. Then when we had to leave, we were racing up the street, me in my Stratus, he in his mom's old minivan, and we totally blew by a COP going AT LEAST 75mph. We both slowed down when we saw him and watched him in out rear view mirrors as he WENT THE OTHER WAY!!! I was laughing SO hard!! I LOVE racing! :)

So my ok turned crap day turned out alright! :D I got a red dress for Valentines Day!! I'm so excited to NOT be single for it!! :D YAY! Well its 2am here... so yeah... g'nite! :D

life, friends, school, roo

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