News and Icons...

Dec 11, 2007 23:13

I made a few new icons. Some for expressing myself, and two for x-mas. lol (see icon) lol
i love making animated icons! :D

I did my chem final... and won't be doing my math final. I failed the class *dramatic silence* yeah... not cool... next semester I will crack down!! I will DO GOOD!!!

But yeah... sent my x-mas cards out yesterday, so if you're expecting... you will get them in 4-14 days!! im jk... i dk really... 3 went over-seas, so yeah... they will get there soon!

I have to do some more x-mas shopping for my mom, dad, and a few friends. I have pretty good ideas on what to get them.

Going to a club on Thursday... excited about that... Not much else to tell... take care!

school, cards, x-mas

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