Busy, creative (if somewhat painful) week...

May 15, 2009 22:13

Painful, literally. My joints have really been bothering me lately. Usually, when I feel bad, it's time to get out and start moving. It's kind of counter-intuitive...your first reaction would be to keep as still as possible, but if I do that, I only feel worse. Today, I took the girls out to Concord Mills Mall and walked around. I've been doing my bellydancing practice and Pilates too. Sometimes, it really sucks having rheumatoid arthritis, but it's something I have to live with.

I've managed to do more painting...told hubby in no uncertain terms that I WILL HAVE TIME TO PAINT THIS WEEKEND. I've had to be pretty vocal about it...even Mum has to have some time for herself. I have to update my online galleries...it's been forever since I did that. But, no rest for the wicked.

Some writing, too. Working on my SGA fics, "Light and Shadows" (Lorne-centered) and "Bait and Switch" (Team-centered Brit!Gate AU). Plus a new Star Trek Enterprise Switcheroo fic, tentative title of "Facades". I recently finished a Soval/Forrest friendship fic called "The Admiral's Gambit". I think I had 4 drafts of that one before it finally worked. Argh. Been doing more one-shots and less multi-chapter stories lately. You only have so much time in between dealing with 3 kids under 7 years old.

Will post some more of my ENT fics on here too. :)


fanfic, gallery, painting, pilates, rheumatoid arthritis, one shot, au, sga, bellydancing, switcheroo series, evan lorne, enterprise, creative

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