An OK weekend

Apr 19, 2009 20:02

Did a lot of writing...working on BritGate Chapter 2 and Light and Shadows Chapter 2 (SGA). I must've done at least 4 different drafts for BG...for some reason, the Muse was being really difficult and not cooperative. I even put it aside for a while to sort laundry and finally put away the kids' clothes in their respective rooms. When I do that, it usually means I'm pretty desperate or pretty bored.

The kids were cranky...I'm not sure just WHAT set them off. Christina has this high-pitched banshee wail that will deafen you if you're anywhere close to her. It drives Michael nuts, and Michael will usually try to pull her hair or do something else to get her to stop. Of course, it only escalates things and it snowballs from there. Having one autistic child is challenging enough, but two is extremely trying. Especially when they get to each other's throats and you have to separate them before they start feeding off each other's tantrums.

I think I might go to sleep early. I've been pulling some late nights writing and editing. Take a nice shower and indulge in some post-Easter chocolate. Sounds good.


fanfic, tantrum, muse, sga, autism, autistic children, daughter, chocolate, housework, son

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