Hubs came back last night after a 3-day business trip out of town. Keep in mind that I've been dealing with 3 kids (2 of them moderately/severely autistic). Please reassure me that I'm not crazy or an idiot.
You know I"m just getting out of a marriage. Divorce hearing was July 7. I may not be the nicest person on this subject atm - so I apologize if that turns out to be the case.
I have 2 small ppl - my son demonstrates asbergers but the ex is standing in the way of it being diagnosed. He's been doing it since we were married. I can sympathize. My husband took the time to disconnect from us, and focus on him. Not sure if he qualifies for anything on the spectrum, but his priority was himself. To illustrate, took my kids 6 weeks from the time we left, before they asked about him at all. He would take his time to go out w/ friends and leave me w/ the kids. I was not allowed to have a day off or to breathe at all. I wasn't allowed to work, unless it was what he deemed acceptable and money was always an issuse b/c he said so. My son was 6 the first time he went to a family member's home for longer than a few minutes and 6 when I got my first night away from him since he came home @ 9mths.
As to your husband's actions, he's cold. He still requires some kind of social skills support from someone besides you. You should not be subjected to his sole focus being him. That is hard on you and hard on the kids and in the end, terrible for him too.
You are reacting identical to how I would have been in the same situation, imho. I would be both angry and disappointed with the situation. I would feel bad that he doesn't 'get it'. I would be angry that after all those years, you're still dealing w/ it. IMHO you have enough on your plate w/ the kids. He should be supportive of you and both of your situation. *HUGS* I'm so sorry he's not, whether it be because of his illness or b/c he's just a difficult pompous ass.
To me, you're not being an emotional mess, you're reacting to a difficult situation.
AKA - @TheLadyWrites aka Kala (in case the ID isn't clear who I am)
Hubs was in denial about getting Son tested too. Luckily, I had a good pediatrician and he listened to the doc (as opposed to me, because I *obviously* had no idea what I was talking about). Then both of us were in denial of the diagnosis. But he withdrew, and I took up dealing w/therapists, teachers, etc.
My FIL would drive 6 hours to visit family for maybe an hour, then drive 6 hours back because he "wanted to sleep in his own bed". Neither he nor MIL has anything to do with the kids, which is sad, because Hubs is an only child. They're of the "no news is good news" and "out of sight, out of mind" school. :-(
my fam and his embraced the facts, even when he didn't. but ds was born at 1lb 6 oz. (is it terrible that it bothers me so much he doesn't remember our ds's weight?)
he just couldn't accept it and, even now, still doesn't want to. it lead him to lose his mind and hit a 5 yr old asbergers child for behaving like he's got asbergers in school. guess you can see why i finally left. i was forced dependent on him for finances and i'm just now starting to barely rebuild the business i once had that thrived. divorce recovery sucks!
I have 2 small ppl - my son demonstrates asbergers but the ex is standing in the way of it being diagnosed. He's been doing it since we were married. I can sympathize. My husband took the time to disconnect from us, and focus on him. Not sure if he qualifies for anything on the spectrum, but his priority was himself. To illustrate, took my kids 6 weeks from the time we left, before they asked about him at all. He would take his time to go out w/ friends and leave me w/ the kids. I was not allowed to have a day off or to breathe at all. I wasn't allowed to work, unless it was what he deemed acceptable and money was always an issuse b/c he said so. My son was 6 the first time he went to a family member's home for longer than a few minutes and 6 when I got my first night away from him since he came home @ 9mths.
As to your husband's actions, he's cold. He still requires some kind of social skills support from someone besides you. You should not be subjected to his sole focus being him. That is hard on you and hard on the kids and in the end, terrible for him too.
You are reacting identical to how I would have been in the same situation, imho. I would be both angry and disappointed with the situation. I would feel bad that he doesn't 'get it'. I would be angry that after all those years, you're still dealing w/ it. IMHO you have enough on your plate w/ the kids. He should be supportive of you and both of your situation. *HUGS* I'm so sorry he's not, whether it be because of his illness or b/c he's just a difficult pompous ass.
To me, you're not being an emotional mess, you're reacting to a difficult situation.
AKA - @TheLadyWrites aka Kala (in case the ID isn't clear who I am)
My FIL would drive 6 hours to visit family for maybe an hour, then drive 6 hours back because he "wanted to sleep in his own bed". Neither he nor MIL has anything to do with the kids, which is sad, because Hubs is an only child. They're of the "no news is good news" and "out of sight, out of mind" school. :-(
my fam and his embraced the facts, even when he didn't. but ds was born at 1lb 6 oz. (is it terrible that it bothers me so much he doesn't remember our ds's weight?)
he just couldn't accept it and, even now, still doesn't want to. it lead him to lose his mind and hit a 5 yr old asbergers child for behaving like he's got asbergers in school. guess you can see why i finally left. i was forced dependent on him for finances and i'm just now starting to barely rebuild the business i once had that thrived. divorce recovery sucks!
/vent - sorry wasn't intending that.
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