A Glimpse of my Life with an Aspberger's (high functioning autistic) Hubby

Jul 23, 2010 10:11

 Hubs came back last night after a 3-day business trip out of town. Keep in mind that I've been dealing with 3 kids (2 of them moderately/severely autistic). Please reassure me that I'm not crazy or an idiot.

Hello, honey. Miss Me? )

aspberger's, idiot husband, lack of empathy, so-called joint therapy, questioning sanity, financial, sheriff

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cedarrapidsgirl July 23 2010, 14:50:06 UTC
You're not nuts, my dear, I promise. *hugs* You do what you gotta do for the the little ones, trust me, I'm doing it too. I don't understand men, especially my husband, who I'm convinced is the biggest moron on the planet. The world only revolves around them, and we are just there for them. I'm not lying when I say I have 3 children, and my husband is one of them. He doesn't touch a dish, take out the garbage(either to the can or the curb) doesn't ever pick up the house, refuses to cook anything that can't be microwaved, and sits on his butt playing video games, drinking until he's too drunk to know who I am (he locked the screen door the other night while I was at work, and when I got home, he had to squint and stare at the door for 5 minutes to see it was me) and generally not doing anything.

Since I'm supposedly always grumpy and always yelling at the kids if something is bothering me, I can't show it to him, he'll bitch that I'm always bitching. And he thinks because he makes more money than me and works longer hours, that he doesn't have to do anything else. I do work outside the home, but it's only for minimum wage, and even getting about 30 hours a week, it still doesn't last long. Then he bitches as to where the money goes.

Everyone tells me I should get out, but as you know, that's easier said than done. It's something I have to do myself, but I wish it didn't have to be ALL by myself, if that makes sense. People say they'll support me, but only after I leave him and am kinda stable, not DURING the whole process.

I know it's difficult, but stay strong, dear. And you know I'm not just saying it, that I know it, and am kinda living it too. Us supermums gotta stick together. :D (oh, but I do get to use my new icon!) &hearts

Let me know if you need anything! Love and hugs, Helene


luckycricket_1 July 23 2010, 16:45:31 UTC
Yeah, I know about the support thing. I'm a part of an online group called "Aspbergers and the Other Half", spouses of people with it (there are a couple of husbands in there too). It's helped with venting and affirming that I'm not nuts.

There's something called "Cassandra syndrome". Cassandra was a Greek woman who warned her fellow people from Troy that the city would fall. No one listened to her, and the city fell. People don't believe such a nice guy like him can be such a social idiot, so when things like this happen, they don't believe it can be true.


catrinataylor July 23 2010, 17:07:19 UTC
that sounds like the crap i listened to w/ my ex

'he's so smart' 'he's so nice' etc

'your making to much of this or that' *hugs* i get it, and i'm sorry.


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