Top Gear, Dr. Who, and Thunderstorms...

May 16, 2010 15:46

 Let the summer storm season begin...t-storms, high winds, and hail in all sizes.

Right now watching Top Gear re-runs on BBC America. I love Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson is so damn annoying. Poor James May. His voice just makes me go ZZZZzzzzzz.....I also watched some old "Stars in our Reasonably-Priced Car". David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston, Jay Leno, Helen Mirren,. If John Barrowman has never been on Top Gear, he should. Ditto Matt Smith. And I <3 the Stig!

About Dr. Who: I really like Eleven and Amy. The two-parter with the Weeping Angels was pretty good. Though Ten will always be my Doc, Eleven's up there.

What's the deal with River Song? Okay, so she's supposedly the Doctor's wife in the future. The way they griped at each other reminded me of a married couple.I liked her character and I can't wait to see her in the last couple of episodes in the series. Okay, so that odd gear-groaning sound is actually Eleven leaving the brakes on??? Maybe Eleven should talk to STreboot!Sulu about driving.

But what's the deal w/her "killing a good man, the best [she] had ever known"? Does she mean the Doctor? Obvious Father Octavian knows who it is. He threatened to tell the Doc about it (and did, before he got killed by an Angel). And "Hello, Sweetie"? *snerk* Does that mean that the Angels never existed after being sucked through the Time Crack?

And I laughed at Eleven's. "No...still not getting it." I think Amy just freaked him out, poor man. Hubs said, "If any woman threw herself like that at any man, he'd go running to the hills screaming his head off." But...a brush with death will do weird things to you. And I wish we weren't 2 weeks behind in episode showings! >.<

Fave characters so far: Liz Ten ("I'm the bloody queen, mate!") and River Song. I'll never see a Jammy Dodger the same way every again. If there was an American Time Lord, would his TARDIS self-destruct be an Oreo??

Just wondering.


doctor who, top gear

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