This fic has just growed and growed...

Feb 02, 2010 18:11

 My challenge fic for TriSilk, "Louder Than an Echo" has seen two betas, and they both gave me excellent pointers for revision. I'd thought it'd take me, oh a couple of days for the final draft. Um...nope.

To quote Alice in Wonderland, it just "growed and growed." And...has turned NC-17 . I've written a total of 3 NC-17 ENT fics in my life, counting this one. So apologies in advance to my betas. It still might be a while.

I managed to find "Star Trek Ships of the Line 2010 calendar" and "The Physics of the Impossible" by Michio Kaku for a grand total of $8. The geek in me is really, really happy right now. I love Books a Million.

Did quite a bit of housecleaning. Actually, excavating might be a better word. Found an unopened pack of watercolors, several CDs squirreled away by my son, my missing gel pens, an old issue of Scientific American focusing on autism, some old baby toys, and several native Japanese books all written in hiragana and kanji (no romanji or English translations) that I forgot I had. [I really need to get some reading practice in. Although I can speak Japanese decently without embarrassing myself too badly, my reading sucks.] Oh, and some jewelry charms that Christina decided to hoard for herself. Specifically the ones from Canada with "Toronto", "Montreal" and "eh?" in gold letters. I still don't know what she did with the ones from London. I had a call box that I painted blue!!! [Extra points if you get the reference].

And with lots of thanks to entallat , here's a trailer for Sherlock Holmes. Not the one with Robert Downey Jr., the OTHER one. With Gareth Lloyd Davies and Dominic Keating. ("Keating in a can". ROTFL!!!! XD)


fanfic, gareth lloyd davies, sherlock holmes, art, star trek enterprise, languages, canada, dominic keating

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