Okay, not a meme this time...LOL

Jan 12, 2010 20:58

 I know I've been doing a lot of memes lately...

It's been a stressful several days. For one, I found out my dad had surgery last Friday, and no one in my family bothered to tell me. Dad has a stroke a couple of months ago...the docs found the carotid artery in his neck 75% blocked. They went in to put a stint in it. Dad was in ICU for 2 days for low blood pressure (70/40 at one point). He's home and on meds, and no work for a month. Mom said they didn't want me to worry because I'm no where close and I wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway.

I appreciate the sentiment, but what if something had happened during surgery?? This is the usual for my family, telling me stuff like this after the fact. GRRR!

The local school system is also moving the autistic classes from Morehead (the current school) to University Meadows (a school further away) for next year. No one bothered to tell me...it was on Michael's student assignment sheet for next year. I sent a note to his teacher, asking WTH was going on, and she was like, "Oh, Morehead won't have any AU classes next year. They're moving them." Nice of you guys to tell me ahead of time. Thank you very much.

Extra stress at home...my hubby still can't get it through his head that it's very difficult (if not impossible) to reason rationally with an autistic 6-year old and 4-year-old. They just don't understand...even a "NORMAL" 6-year old and 4-year old doesn't think like a 37-year-old computer engineer! GRRR! All it does is frustrate him, piss HIM off even more because the kids won't do what he wants, and the kids don't care much for Daddy yelling at them. SIGH!

URGH. If my joints didn't hurt so much, I'd just do kickboxing or Tae Bo right now.


surgery, autistic children, family, idiot husband, school, ra, rant

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