Star Trek Quiz: I'm Uhura!

Apr 09, 2009 15:38

Your results:
You are Uhura
Uhura75%Chekov70%Deanna Troi70%An Expendable Character (Redshirt)70%Mr. Scott55%Mr. Sulu55%Geordi LaForge55%Will Riker55%Beverly Crusher50%Worf50%Leonard McCoy (Bones)45%Jean-Luc Picard40%James T. Kirk (Captain)30%Data26%Spock19%You are a good communicator with a
pleasant soft-spoken voice.
Also a talented singer.

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test

Yeah, surprise, surprise. I'm a linguist, I love to sing...this is pretty much spot-on.


uhura, personality test, linguist, star trek, questionaire

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