Productive day...

Dec 06, 2009 20:51

Let's see, today I...

1)put away lots of laundry. You have no idea how it piles up after a while when you have 3 kids and 1 hubby.

2) Cleaned out my closet. I can actually see the floor now. And I have 2 trashbags full of old clothes to give to Goodwill tomorrow.

3) Bought some art supplies to work on my various Christmas presents for people.

4) Hubby's still working on the family geneology project for his parents. My contribution is a set of family crests for the more recent branches of the immediate family (Dameron and Dingman on his dad's side; Cotton and Rosenbaum on his mom's side).

5) Did a little research on my side. Mine's really complicated because my parents are from the Philippines and it's tough when you don't have access to records. I'm mostly working on what I've heard from family stories. My mom's family is from Batangas City, which is a pretty well-to-do area. According to her, her father was the police chief, who died in a streetcar accident in the '50's, long before I was born. [And from what I gather, being a police chief can be a hazardous occupation there]. Dad comes from a fishing village in Cavite. He has 13 sibs, Mom has 12, so you can see this will be a bit of a challenge.

6) Found several books I forgot I had: a copy of "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupery (copyright 1971), "The Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi (1982), "The Languages of Pao" by Jack Vance (1958, one of those 40 cent sci-fi novels), "The Book" by Alan Watts (1972), "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan (1980), "The Woman Warrior" by Maxine Hong Kingston (1976), "The Book of Merlyn" by T.H. White (1977) and even a copy of "Captain Horatio Hornblower" from 1939.

So it's been really busy, bu not too bad, despite the cold weather. I'm already counting the days till Spring and we aren't even officially in winter yet!


family crests, acrylic, books, christmas

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