Finally finished posting my SGA Big Bang 2009 story, and insane ramblings

Dec 03, 2009 20:53

And I never realized how long and tedious it was to do it!! O_o Ugh. But I got it done. It's here on my LJ and my archive on DW. I've always loved Peter Grodin's character, and I wasn't too happy when they killed him off in the 1st season. So I resurrected him. (OK, so it's an AU.So what?) And as I've commiserated with a fellow Brit, "Why are the characters from the UK either always 1)killed off or 2)the bad guys who want to take over the world?" Is it the bloody accent? (And I'm a native-born Brit, so I'm just wondering).

At least we've got Carson Beckett (He's Scottish, blown to bits and resurrected), Peter Grodin (blown to bits on an Ancient Space Station), Brendan Gaul (killed himself to give McKay a chance to survive). In Torchwood, Ianto Jones, a Welshman, is killed by that @!@! virus. In Star Trek, we've got Malcolm Reed (who loves explosions), and Montgomery Scott (She's gonna blow, Cap'n!).[ Picard's a Frenchman (played by a Brit) and Deanna Troi's a Betazoid (played by an Englishwoman).} Granted, DS9's Chief O'Brien's also an engineer, but he's an Irishman. I seeing a pattern here? Either you die, or you're in a profession where you can blow yourself up.

Forgive the rambling...I'm extremely tired and out of sorts right now...

I need some tea and a lot of chocolate right now.


ianto jones, torchwood, malcolm reed, au, sga, star trek enterprise, british, uk, big bang 2009, peter grodin, carson beckett

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