Fall Fandom Free for All: Requests

Sep 20, 2009 20:53

I decided to participate this year. ;) Basically, you make up to 10 requests (fic, vid, icon, wallpaper, podfic, art) and hopefully someone will take up one of 'em. In return, you go to the LJ page (link above), look through others' list and return the favor for someone.

Here are my 10 requests:
Okay, here goes:

1)Banner: (Firefly) Inara or Kaylee. Either one is fine.
2)Fic: (SG-1) Something to do with Daniel Jackson, Teal'c and a completely new culture. World-building a plus.
3)Fic: (SGA) Set in season 1, focus on secondary characters: Ford, Grodin, Kavanaugh, Stackhouse, Markham, Kusunagi and/or Zelenka. Have them solve a problem in Atlantis.
4)Icon: (Star Trek: Enterprise) Malcolm/Hoshi
5)Art: (Star Trek Enterprise) Malcolm/Hoshi
6)Art: (SGA) Carson/Teyla
7)Art: (SG-1) Daniel Jackson at some ancient archeological dig (either on Earth or Offworld), discovering some hieroglyphics/alien writing on a wall
8)Fic: (Torchwood) Tosh/Owen. Owen takes Tosh out on a date, and it doesn't go according to plan. Bonus points if Jack and/or Ianto tries to "help".
9)Art: (Torchwood) Tosh at her computer, Ianto delivering coffee to her
10)Podfic: (Star Trek Enterprise) For my fic "Raining Coconuts" (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4964602/1/Raining_Coconuts) or "Trip Gets Stuck" (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4454771/1/Trip_Gets_Stuck)

Thank you! :)


free trade, requests, fanfic, art

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