WTF? Friday...

Aug 28, 2009 16:56

Title says it all.  It's been a rough couple of days, actually, but today was really bad.

Yesterday, Michael's bus never came, so I had to rush him to school, with the 2 girls. Christina was still in her jammies, and the school staff was a bit less than helpful. Turns out the original bus had to have an extra safety seat installed in it because Michael's IEP said that he needs one, otherwise he can't ride the bus. The substitute bus blew by our house and arrived at my friend's house (her son and Michael have the same teacher). ARGH!!!!

This morning, Michael woke up late, had to rush him and came really close to missing the bus, AGAIN, but we managed to catch it before the driver decided to just drive off. :( This is really starting to get annoying.

It must be a full moon coming or something, because people were IDIOTS on the road.I've seen people speed up/slow down to keep you from merging into traffic ("merge" is a personal challenge here in NASCAR country). Others simply clog up the road. Another friend of mine (think of her as a female version of McKay, except a little more sociable. She doesn't take any crap, and as the only girl with 4 brothers in the military family, I think it's obvious why) gives these overly cautious souls the uncharitable title of "butt-clog". What's bad is when you have 2 of them side by side, pacing each other like wingmen in a squadron, with a whole line of traffic behind them.

"They just plug up the way and cause back-ups," she explained. I couldn't agree more.

And its Friday, which mean Sat. and Sun., which means...

ANOTHER BORING WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, my hubby puts the boring guy on the kids' show "The Imagination Movers', Knit-Knots, to shame. "It's too exciting!" Granted, his wardrobe is more than just one color (beige), but when the only thing he can suggest is walking around the Mall (again, like we've done every weekend for the past 2 months)...HE DEFINES "BEING STUCK IN A RUT!"  I've been making a lot of effort not to be trapped in the same mindset, but it really does take some effort.

I hate being married to a bore. This was NOT what I expected when I married him almost 13 years ago.


bus, lack of empathy, boring, nascar, idiot drivers, iep, bad day, idiot husband

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