My plot bunnies have been growing teeth and claws!

Jul 28, 2009 14:46

Argh! Crap.

At 3:37 AM this morning, a bunny woke me up with an ENT/Torchwood one-shot. Yeah, you read that crossover right. ENT/Torchwood. The bunnies are already gathering around an ENT/SGA crossover. Somehow or the other, it's covered in golden carrots and they've been feasting, those damn little buggers.

This doesn't count the SGA Big Bang and another ENT fic that's currently hanging my other non-fanfic stuff.

I opened the box marked "Plot Bunny Repellent" and found bags upon bags of golden carrots.



fanfic, crossover, enterprise, rabid plot bunny, torchwood, star trek

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