Just saw latest Torchwood episode....ARRGH!

Jul 18, 2009 20:08

I REALLY should quit catching great sci-fi series at the end!!!!!!!!

They killed off Owen and Toshiko! :( At least they went together. Sort of. Too bad they didn't go on that "date". I already knew they were goners from reading spoilers, but I still bawled when Jack was putting away Owen's medical equipment and Gwen, Toshiko's glasses.
Ahem...anyway. Bracing myself for Torchwood CoE, then I'm gonna try to find some Season 1 and 2 eps. Maybe they'll do reruns like SGA.

Working on SGA Big Bang. Nearly 19000 words, give or take a few, and it's going OK. Had to rewatch a couple of SGA eps, Siege I,II,III. Runner, Suspicion, The Gift, Underground, Storm/Eye, Critical Mass, Broken Ties and Sateda. Okay, more than a couple. But it's for info purposes, I swear. I had to take a couple of days off from writing it, though, because of massive burnout and writer's block.

Some pretty exciting plotlines on the Enterprise Twitter RPG. (http://enterprisefic.wordpress.com/about/) We've got RSS feeds of the stories on Twitter, so it's easier to follow.

And I've started studying a little Russian. I'd taken 1 semester in college, so I don't count myself as fluent by any means. It's for a story I'm writing. Hey, I'm a linguist. :)

Write more later...


languages, sga big bang, torchwood, ent twitter rpg

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