For a change, I'm not the one who's sick!

Jun 03, 2009 14:21

Yeah, hell must be freezing over right now. (J/K)

Michael brought home SOMETHING, apparently, because now Sarah, Christina and Robert are coughing. I took Sarah to the doc two days ago. Her first double ear infection and sore throat! Oh joy. At least the antibiotic has kicked in and she's more her regular self, though she's still not sleeping well.

If it wasn't for Sarah sleeping in the bassinet in our room, I'd seriously consider sleeping in the bonus room. Robert's snoring has gotten progressively worse this month, and I can barely sleep! The aggravating thing is that he doesn't understand why I'm so cranky because if he doesn't hear it, it didn't happen. (?!) I've quit arguing with a man with Aspberger's Syndrome. He simply cannot empathize. His father has had problems for years, until they finally did a sleep study and diagnosed him with sleep apnea. Despite that, it took him forever to accept the C-PAP to help him breathe at night. If history repeats itself, I'm sure I'll have a similar uphill battle.

Anyway...working on some notes for my SGA Big Bang story and (finally) geting around to all the editing that's been backed up for the past several weeks. (Sorry, Mandy! :( At the very least, I'm getting some things done despite it all.

More later,

sick, aspberger's, sga big bang, lack of empathy, ear infection, sleep apnea, snoring

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