I must be absolutely nuts (in a hee-hee sort of way)

May 22, 2009 10:01

I took a plunge and signed up for the  2009 SGA Big Bang. Now I have to write a 40,000 word SGA fanfic over the summer.

Hey, no  worries. Got a couple of ideas, toying with developing the BG story as my SGA story. I took it off my LJ because I really wasn't happy where it was going and I need more time to develop it. So...I managed to do Nanowrimo one year while dealing with my autistic kids. so I can do this, right?

Today is Michael's class picnic at Reedy Creek Park. Already made the M&C, gotta stop by the store on the way to pick up some cups, but other than that...this should be interesting. I'll be taking both girls there.

I'll let you guys know how it went.


fanfic, sga big bang, reedy creek park, nanowrimo, mac and cheese, class picnic

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