Astronaut is the last one, so it will be the first one to be under my claws. I've had these thoughts inside my head for a long time so it's good to let them out at last!
I like it overall (and maybe I like it even more because the original line-up is involved here, so I can't be very objective about this one), but I think this could have been much, much better if they had put "Virus" (a killer song!), "Beautiful colours" or "Tv vs Radio" in it.
I know it's a general complain, but I can't help it (I'll go back to the these songs probably in another post).
The album had some good songs and some that I can live without easily. It's a good start for their comeback but it's not enough for DD's standard, it lacks some "punch" and some innovative air (and more guitars from Andy, yeah!). And some songs are too much overproduced for my taste.
I really think though that their next album will be a blast! (I know, the fan is talking here!)
Anyway, I like "Astronaut" :)
I'll try to be brief (as if I could! *rolling eyes*) and describe more or less the songs and what I find about them.
- 01-Reach Up for The) Sunrise: I like it, the lyrics are neither great nor imaginative, but it's catchy, luminous, the chorus is engaging and strong, and Simon does a good job here.
- 02-Want You More!: I love this song, it has power indeed and the drums are great, but I feel this could be a real killer without those computer-like sounds and using a more rock-oriented line.
As it is, the song is a bit buried under layers of sounds, but it manages to keep its energy.
- 03-What Happens Tomorrow: Lovely song. I've heard many people complaining about this having an "Oasis" touch, and it's true, but I don't care about it. I love it, I like the poignancy of the lyrics and Simon does again a good rendition of this song. My favorite part is towards the end: the instrumental part is beautiful, and then, Simon's "nobody knows" sounds raw and great.
The background vocals are nice, too, the "nobody knows" and "don't let go" are a perfect touch for this song.
I was afraid of those high-pitched parts, wondering how Simon would do it live, but I saw a couple of versions and he did them well :)
- 04-Astronaut: I like it. Once again, the lyrics are not great (they go near Silliness Land, some would say they cross the borderline!) but maybe it's because of it that I like it (and that I like scifi stuff), it's funny and it has a contagious melody.
I've heard an acoustic version of this one, and it was wonderful! Andy played the guitar and he was fantastic, and Simon did an almost perfect job, his voice sounded specially sweet in that part that begins with the "quantum leap" thing. I said "almost" cause his voice faltered noticeably in the "anybody knows" line, but I guess it was too high for him (I'll talk about this in "Chains")
- 05-Bedroom Toys: What can I say? I adore this one. This is a song where Simon's voice is relaxed and sounds as if he were having lots of fun. A naughty song which reminds me of a naughty fanfic I've read! :)
- 06-Nice: When I heard this one for the first time, I thought it was not a big thing and dismissed it. But the melody and the chorus remained stuck in my head for a long time and after listening to it several times, I like it more and more! It's infectious! "Take the beautiful sting of a scorpio"...
- 07-Taste the Summer: I can't get into this one, I just can't. For "doo doo doo", I think "Hungry like the wolf" is ten thousands better that this one. I tried and I tried, but in vain. Now Fast Forward Button at full speed, skipping to the next one!
- 08-Finest Hour: I think this is one of the best songs of the album, if not the best. The lyrics are somewhat bitter ("You speak to the crowd but nobody hears") but it doesn't lack hope ("We're gonna make this stand, the finest hour that we see").
It starts softly, and we expect a simple ballad, but then the chorus adds an intensity that transforms this into a remarkable song. Simon does a terrific job here. All along, the background vocals and the guitar do nicely too, and the final chorus is particularly strong, with Simon's last and reassuring "yeah's" as a powerful end.
- 09-Chains: Another one for the Fast Forward Button and a good one to start a rant. It begins nicely and it has a good melody, but then it goes down and down. I don't like the chorus and I don't like how Simon's voice sounds in some parts, too forced, too pushed to the edge.
I listen to the song and I suffer for him, wondering how he would manage this live if he sounds like this in studio. I love him, I love his voice, I love his singing style, I think that in some ways he sings much better than before, but the man has his limits regarding to high-pitched parts.
Why can't they write all the songs according to his vocal range? Well, maybe it's his fault, maybe he wants to do this, but for me, this is not good.
- 10-One of Those Days: Not among my favorites (other frequent victim of the Fast Forward Button but not as much as before) but it has something. I don't like how it starts and how it ends, frankly, but in the middle it goes up thanks to the guitar, Simon's vocals (still forced in some parts but better than in "Chains"; besides I like how he sings the "not running away") and the background vocals with their "uuuhs".
- 11-Point of No Return: Fast Forward Button at full speed. I find this boring. Period. I've read that it's good live, but until I get to see it ("if" I ever get to see it), I skip to the next one.
- 12-Still Breathing: This is a beautiful way to end the album indeed. I love the sound of the bass in this song. It's a bittersweet melody that suits well the melancholic lyrics, and Simon sings it wonderfully. When I listen to it, I remember the DVD (the Astronaut DVD of course!) and how the song plays in the background while they're heading to Birmingham. Nice, nice, nice!
Note: The DVD that comes with the cd is AWESOME! But as it has parts from the LIL video, I'll wait till I get this one to write some comments (maybe in 10 years?!?!?!?!)