A follow up to
this post:
I'm expanding my original idea to include topics other than just beauty. As a result, the body of work is currently without any sort of title, but that's okay for now.
What This Project Covers
In my previous projects, I've been dealing with themes that have introduced viewers to situations new to them and invited them to learn and to question that which they believed previously. These themes have covered concepts of beauty as it relates to size; relationship structures and the expression of love; and gender.
My goal with this current project is to expand upon this foundation. So I'm calling on you, the eclectic collection of my friends, to show the world that there is beauty and even goodness outside the normative. I want to cover themes including what I've mentioned and also touch on religion/spirituality, sexual preferences (BDSM and other non-vanilla sex), cosplaying, cross-dressing, and the lifestyles that surround all of these.
The images I will be shooting will be inspired by Renaissance and Baroque paintings and sculptures.
What and Who I Need
Here's where you come in: I need people to photograph. Some of you have already volunteered, and I am very grateful for that. If you can't or don't want to pose (or even if you can/are), please spread the word. Talk to your friends who fall into any of the categories mentioned and if they're interested, give them my contact information. If you've modeled for me before, please communicate your experience and how I'm treating the subject matter. I'll be happy to answer any questions they have.
I'm willing to travel as far as Austin to meet with and shoot people. So if you are not local to DFW/Denton, or the people you know are not, I am still willing to work something out to meet and work with the interesting people you and I know.
I'll start scheduling shoots on Monday, when everyone is returned to their information connections. :D