I got my hands on a copy of Final Fantasy XIII and so far it is a great game and a far better battle system than previous games. I love Lightning as a character ♥♥♥. She has to be one of the very few female characters aren't seriously annoying with their 'happiness'. Vanille got on my nerves in the beginning but I'm beginning to warm up to her even if she is my weakest character. (Like weaker than Hope.)
My brother is really confused with the whole naming system of the final fantasy series. "Are they all sequels of each other or what?" Or something like that. I actually thought they were all linked together and you had to play the first one to understand the whole series. No- I don't think any of them are linked together. I mean X and X2 (not to be confused with Final fantasy 12 lol) is sequel to one another... but I don't think they are involved with one another- or are they? (I have only played FF2, FFX, FFX2 and FFXIII so I can't really call myself a loyal follower yet.)
The battle system of FF13 is still pretty much "you wait there while I attack you" and then "I'll just stand here while you attack me" kind of system except you can decide to go earlier than you normally would. There is a bar which loads- and now I can do up to five attacks (well so far in the game) if I wanted to go earlier than normal I may only do two attacks as my bar had not loaded fully. Oh well it’s very hard to explain down on paper....
I love, love, love Hope. He's so adorable- although my little brother calls him gay. It’s great to see how everyone develops as characters throughout the game... I suppose that is expected of all characters otherwise they wouldn't get anywhere....
The Eidolons are great- I never get bored of summoning them and never skip the cut scene for them. I just love Sazh' eidolon. Although eidolon battles are often a pain... I lost to Vanille's eiodolon about thirty times. Gah she was just so weak! She kept dying all the time. I had to use points up to teach Fang how to heal -___-..... It was actually sheer luck that got me through that level. Apparently though, if you lose lots of times the level actually goes down. I never noticed this. In fact, if anything- Vanille's eidolon only seemed to get harder. (Tip for any of you struggling at this point: Use the poisoning kind of attacks against Vanille's eiodolon- it’s not like the others which go down with magic.... There's no point in trying to beat it with sheer force. Have Fang on commando and heal at other times. If Vanille is anything like she was for me- equip them both with gold bangles star level.)
Great game you guys who like a good story, beautiful cutscenes, hair that defies gravity and RPGs in general.
9/10 J
Excuse my Vanille bashing- I’m actually starting to like her-------