Apr 01, 2010 00:31
I feel like such a lame-o for still even thinking about this. I mean, there is definitely no reciprocation. Even on my side, I don't feel it. I think I just miss the mentoring. The learning. I did learn, and they were lessons I hadn't learned from others before. I miss the treatment. Oh well, (my most popular two words when down).
I feel like I am blocking myself from what I want to do. Art is an expression of love, love that comes from God. Art. I must find my niche, I must explore art. We are all to be artists, this is the only way to not be a prostitute. If you are separated from the product of your labor, in a Marxist sense, you are a prostitute. You dehumanize yourself for a few bucks. If you love what you do, don't compromise yourself, be apart of your work. This is art. ART. The Ultimate Artist created us in His image, we must create art.
I'm terrified to show any of mine. I want to, but my discontent with myself prevents me from doing so.